
  • Opt-Out Vote

    A shareholder vote that is undertaken in order to determine if certain laws and regulations regarding corporate takeovers are to be waived during a particular···

    2022-01-05 16:21:09
  • Double One-Touch Option

    A type of exotic option that gives an investor an agreed upon payout if the price of the underlying asset reaches or surpasses one of two predetermined barrier···

    2022-01-05 15:43:27
  • Opt-Out Plan

    A type of 401(k) plan that automatically enrolls the employees of a company to save for their retirement. Eligible employees of a company with this policy are···

    2022-01-05 15:07:42
  • Conditional Call Option

    A provision that requires the issuer of a callable bond to replace the bond with a non-callable bond of similar maturity and interest rate in the case that the···

    2022-01-05 16:03:37
  • OPT

    什么是OPT?   OPT(Optimized Production Technology,最佳生产技术)是一种改善生产管理的技术,以色列物理学家Eli Goldratt博士于70年代提出,用于安排企业生产人力和物料调···

    2022-03-01 20:17:41
  • Chicago Board of Options Exchange


    2022-01-05 12:42:31
  • Deferred Payment Option

    An option with all the characteristics of an American vanilla option, with one exception: payment is deferred until the original expiration date. The option ca···

    2022-01-05 14:21:00
  • STIR Futures & Options

    An acronym standing for "short-term interest rate" options or futures contract. Many companies and financial institutions use STIR contracts to hedge against b···

    2022-01-05 14:12:29
  • DFA模型

    概述DFA模型美国意外事件精算协会(CasualtyActuarial Society)对DFA(Dynamic Financial Analysis)做出以下定义:“DFA是一种整体性的财务建模方法,它通过对公司未来生存环境···

    2022-01-08 14:21:51
  • GARCH模型

    GARCH模型(Generalized AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity)又称“广义ARCH模型(Generalized ARCH)”、“广义自回归条件异方差模型” GARCH模型概述   自从En···

    2021-11-16 14:25:37
  • SFO模型

    什么是SFO   SFO,即战略中心型组织(Strategy-Focused Organization,SFO)的概念是平衡计分卡创始人哈佛商学院卡普兰教授与诺顿博士于2000年正式提出的。SFO是以平衡计分···

    2022-03-07 12:44:46
  • FCF模型

    绝对估值法FCF模型 目录 1FCFF的定义和计算方法 2FCFF模型概述···

    2021-12-22 02:46:29
  • HS模型

    HS模型  HS模型是Hong and Stein于1999年提出的,简称HS模型,又称统一理论模型(unified theory model)。   统一理论模型区别于BSV模型和DHS模型之处在于:它把研究重点放···

    2021-11-25 21:05:37
  • Y-B模型

    Y-B模型概述  1991年杨小凯和博兰(Yang and Borland,简称Y-B模型)将熟能生巧的概念引入其模型中,阐述了熟能生巧与交易成本、分工演进及经济腾飞的关系,阐释了内生比较优势···

    2022-02-22 03:48:45
  • kano模型

      kano模型KANO模型简介  受行为科学家赫兹伯格的双因素理论的启发,东京理工大学教授狩野纪昭(Noriaki Kano)和他的同事Fumio Takahashi于1979年10月发表了《质量的保健···

    2021-12-09 09:21:16