
  • Continuation Pattern

    A technical analysis pattern that suggests a trend is exhibiting a temporary diversion in behavior and will eventually continue on its existing trend.The symme···

    2022-01-05 14:55:45
  • Pattern

    In technical analysis, the distinctive formation created by the movement of security prices on a chart. It is identified by a line connecting common price poin···

    2022-01-05 14:52:39
  • Piercing Pattern

    A technical trading signal that is marked by a closing down day with a good-sized trading range, followed by a trading gap (drop) lower the following day that···

    2022-01-05 14:52:40
  • Pattern Day Trader

    An SEC designation for traders who trade the same security four or more times per day (buys and sells) over a five-day period, and for whom same-day trades mak···

    2022-01-05 14:52:44
  • Kicker Pattern

    A two-bar candlestick pattern that is used to predict a change in the direction of the trend for an asset's price. This pattern is characterized by a very shar···

    2022-01-05 14:53:34
  • Impulse Wave Pattern

    A term used in the Elliott wave theory to describe the strong move in a stock's price coinciding with the main direction of the underlying trend. These impulse···

    2022-01-05 14:53:53
  • Gartley Pattern

    In technical analysis, it is a complex price pattern based on Fibonacci numbers/ratios. It is used to determine buy and sell signals by measuring price retrace···

    2022-01-05 14:54:41
  • 3个方法教你避开贵金属投资中的风险


    2022-04-17 02:59:02
  • 方法研究

    方法研究的定义   方法是人们进行工作和生活所运用的整体手段的组成部分,不论在工厂、工作单位和学校,人们都要使用方法来完成自己所要做的任何事情。好的方法,可以帮助人们···

    2021-12-01 21:35:53
  • 11种方法教会你看盘做短线

      1、每个板块都有自己的领头者,看见领头的动了。就马上看第二个以后的股票。   2、密切关注成交量。成交量小时分步买。成交量在低位放大时全部买。成交量在高位放大时···

    2021-08-24 13:51:44
  • 方法加耐心就等于是赚钱效应

      方法加耐心就等于是赚钱效应。下面万洲财经的小编为你介绍方法加耐心就等于是赚钱效应。\\r\\n  传说中海南人好赌,特别是海南的男人好赌,对最近海南要试水的博彩业,我在网···

    2021-10-22 13:18:21
  • 理念+方法+实践+验证=无敌


    2022-02-03 08:23:01
  • 五方法追踪你持有的股票

    五方法追踪你持有的股票\\r\\n  买了股票以后,如何取得令人满意的收益呢?Dave Williams已经执掌一个名为Excelsior Value & Restructuring的基金15年了。每天早上,他的第一件事···

    2021-12-24 11:20:41
  • 4个方法估算庄家仓位轻重

    4个方法估算庄家仓位轻重\\r\\n  一只股票的升幅,一定程度上由介入资金量的大小决定,庄家动用的资金量越大,日后的升幅越可观。那么,如何估算庄家仓位轻重呢?下面有几种方法:\\r\\n···

    2022-01-01 15:06:34
  • 四方法选主力锁筹大牛股

    四方法选主力锁筹大牛股\\r\\n  散户炒股若能准确判断主力持仓情况,盯牢一只建仓完毕的股票,在其即将拉升时介入,必将收获一份财富增值的惊喜。这里面的关键是如何发现主力已经···

    2021-12-22 00:55:30