
  • 记忆效率

    记忆效率的概述   有位心理学家做过一个实验:他找了5篇文章,第一篇100字左右,第二篇200字左右,第三篇500字左右,第四篇1000字左右,第五篇5000字左右。这几篇文章内容的深浅程···

    2022-02-10 01:46:56
  • 记忆树

    什么是记忆树   记忆树是利用关联性记忆法,有效的将大量的资料整理并且快速的在脑中留下印象,特色是会以一个主题当作是主干,与其相关联的资料会采上下半辐射状依序连结出,呈···

    2022-03-02 23:59:25
  • 记忆是如何指导投资的?记忆力对投资有帮助吗?


    2021-08-20 21:35:08
  • Continuation Pattern

    A technical analysis pattern that suggests a trend is exhibiting a temporary diversion in behavior and will eventually continue on its existing trend.The symme···

    2022-01-05 14:55:45
  • Pattern

    In technical analysis, the distinctive formation created by the movement of security prices on a chart. It is identified by a line connecting common price poin···

    2022-01-05 14:52:39
  • Piercing Pattern

    A technical trading signal that is marked by a closing down day with a good-sized trading range, followed by a trading gap (drop) lower the following day that···

    2022-01-05 14:52:40
  • Pattern Day Trader

    An SEC designation for traders who trade the same security four or more times per day (buys and sells) over a five-day period, and for whom same-day trades mak···

    2022-01-05 14:52:44
  • Kicker Pattern

    A two-bar candlestick pattern that is used to predict a change in the direction of the trend for an asset's price. This pattern is characterized by a very shar···

    2022-01-05 14:53:34
  • Impulse Wave Pattern

    A term used in the Elliott wave theory to describe the strong move in a stock's price coinciding with the main direction of the underlying trend. These impulse···

    2022-01-05 14:53:53
  • Gartley Pattern

    In technical analysis, it is a complex price pattern based on Fibonacci numbers/ratios. It is used to determine buy and sell signals by measuring price retrace···

    2022-01-05 14:54:41
  • 快速涨幅选股法是什么?如何运用?


    2021-10-05 13:33:10
  • 最快速度出击领头羊并能逃顶


    2022-01-08 11:53:36
  • 快速贬值终结 人民币汇率企稳!这类跨境ETF却火了 一季度份额大增55%

      在央行出手之后,人民币汇率开始企稳。  4月26日,人民币兑美元即期汇率,一度到6.5258,结束了此前连续五个交···

    2022-04-27 16:31:05
  • 快速编制现金流量表的方法,现金流量表内容


    2021-08-18 12:57:25
  • 快速看盘的方法

    快速看盘常识和方法\\r\\n  (一)如何用几分钟判断当日大盘强弱\\r\\n  1.第一板个股涨幅\\r\\n  深沪两市都可以用通过市场要素快速排序的方法告诉我们市场的真正实质。市场量···

    2021-12-06 22:39:38