
  • 记忆效率

    记忆效率的概述   有位心理学家做过一个实验:他找了5篇文章,第一篇100字左右,第二篇200字左右,第三篇500字左右,第四篇1000字左右,第五篇5000字左右。这几篇文章内容的深浅程···

    2022-02-10 01:46:56
  • 记忆树

    什么是记忆树   记忆树是利用关联性记忆法,有效的将大量的资料整理并且快速的在脑中留下印象,特色是会以一个主题当作是主干,与其相关联的资料会采上下半辐射状依序连结出,呈···

    2022-03-02 23:59:25
  • 记忆是如何指导投资的?记忆力对投资有帮助吗?


    2021-08-20 21:35:08
  • Continuation Pattern

    A technical analysis pattern that suggests a trend is exhibiting a temporary diversion in behavior and will eventually continue on its existing trend.The symme···

    2022-01-05 14:55:45
  • Pattern

    In technical analysis, the distinctive formation created by the movement of security prices on a chart. It is identified by a line connecting common price poin···

    2022-01-05 14:52:39
  • Piercing Pattern

    A technical trading signal that is marked by a closing down day with a good-sized trading range, followed by a trading gap (drop) lower the following day that···

    2022-01-05 14:52:40
  • Pattern Day Trader

    An SEC designation for traders who trade the same security four or more times per day (buys and sells) over a five-day period, and for whom same-day trades mak···

    2022-01-05 14:52:44
  • Kicker Pattern

    A two-bar candlestick pattern that is used to predict a change in the direction of the trend for an asset's price. This pattern is characterized by a very shar···

    2022-01-05 14:53:34
  • Impulse Wave Pattern

    A term used in the Elliott wave theory to describe the strong move in a stock's price coinciding with the main direction of the underlying trend. These impulse···

    2022-01-05 14:53:53
  • Gartley Pattern

    In technical analysis, it is a complex price pattern based on Fibonacci numbers/ratios. It is used to determine buy and sell signals by measuring price retrace···

    2022-01-05 14:54:41
  • 该怎么统计股市主力的持仓量?


    2021-11-23 03:34:11
  • 怎么看一只股票是不是庄股?买庄股能赚钱吗?


    2021-08-16 00:47:06
  • 怎么辨别主力盘面对敲骗术呢?

    怎么辨别主力盘面对敲骗术呢?\\r\\n  对敲主要是利用成交量制造有利于庄家的股票价位,吸引散户跟进或卖出。那么,对敲的方式主要有几种呢\\r\\n  第一,建仓通过对敲手法来打压股···

    2021-11-24 02:44:10
  • 怎么跑好投资的马拉松?固收的夏日茶会 老将指路——“轻生活 轻投资”!


    2022-09-16 16:57:47
  • 怎么提高炒金的盈利率?—纸黄金入门


    2021-11-29 22:25:05