
  • Continuation Pattern

    A technical analysis pattern that suggests a trend is exhibiting a temporary diversion in behavior and will eventually continue on its existing trend.The symme···

    2022-01-05 14:55:45
  • Pattern

    In technical analysis, the distinctive formation created by the movement of security prices on a chart. It is identified by a line connecting common price poin···

    2022-01-05 14:52:39
  • Piercing Pattern

    A technical trading signal that is marked by a closing down day with a good-sized trading range, followed by a trading gap (drop) lower the following day that···

    2022-01-05 14:52:40
  • Pattern Day Trader

    An SEC designation for traders who trade the same security four or more times per day (buys and sells) over a five-day period, and for whom same-day trades mak···

    2022-01-05 14:52:44
  • Kicker Pattern

    A two-bar candlestick pattern that is used to predict a change in the direction of the trend for an asset's price. This pattern is characterized by a very shar···

    2022-01-05 14:53:34
  • Impulse Wave Pattern

    A term used in the Elliott wave theory to describe the strong move in a stock's price coinciding with the main direction of the underlying trend. These impulse···

    2022-01-05 14:53:53
  • Gartley Pattern

    In technical analysis, it is a complex price pattern based on Fibonacci numbers/ratios. It is used to determine buy and sell signals by measuring price retrace···

    2022-01-05 14:54:41
  • 我的短线操作技巧

      我的短线操作技巧   很多朋友都喜欢做短线。其实,做短线难度极大,风险也极大,因为短期的股价波动可能是无法预测的。我的策略是:把握大势,追逐热点,见好就收,不恋战,不频繁出···

    2021-08-24 04:36:36
  • MACD的短线攻略法则

    MACD的短线攻略法则\\r\\n  法则一:买股票前先进行大势研判\\r\\n  1、大盘是否处于上升周期的初期。2、宏观经济政策、舆论导向有利于哪一个板块,该板块的代表性股票是哪几个···

    2021-12-19 12:50:12
  • K线的短线买入时候是什么,短线买入的K线形态是什么

    K线的短线买入时候是什么,短线买入的K线形态是什么 1、弯腰拾金:在标志性长阳实体中心以下是较佳的短线买入点。该长阳可以月、周、日K线为标准,若在该长阳实···

    2021-08-22 20:07:20
  • 我的短线如何操作

      我的短线如何操作?   做反弹玩短线,进场时我一般选择15分钟走势图,而出逃时我则选择30分钟走势图,因为15分钟能够提前预知股票的走势,而30分钟则较为缓慢地预知下跌的走势···

    2021-08-26 10:22:12
  • K线的短线买入形态有哪些?K线的12种短线买入形态

      K线的短线买入形态有哪些?K线的12种短线买入形态\\r\\n  1、弯腰拾金:在标志性长阳实体中心以下是较佳的短线买入点。该长阳可以月、周、日K线为标准,若在该长阳实体之下又···

    2021-11-17 08:09:03
  • 我的短炒生涯

    我的短炒生涯\\r\\n  没做期货前做了几年股票,我非常刻苦学习,我发现我是有点天份的,由于性格的原因,拿不住单子,赔赔赚赚的没甚么成绩。亏了好多。后来神使鬼差做了期货,我发现这···

    2021-12-07 22:04:55
  • 10月的短线机会是次新股 中线有科技股三巨头

    »您现在的位置: 第一金融网 >> 股票 >> 机构观点 >> 正文 10月的短线机会是次新股 中线有科技股三巨头2020/9/25 13:59:20 文章来源:上海证券报 作者:佚名 文章简介:月···

    2021-08-31 11:31:12
  • KDJ的短线技巧有哪些?

      股票知识网小编为您深入分析KDJ短线技巧:   KDJ指标,J线上穿20作为买点的一种用法。由于KDJ及其灵敏,在熊市中是极其危险的,在牛市还不错。更为稳妥者往往把J线上穿0作为···

    2021-08-28 16:27:06