
  • expma用法 揭指标应用原则及参数设置!


    2021-09-06 11:35:37
  • 用法治力量保护生态环境

      ◆本报记者牛秋鹏   3月8日,十三届全国人大五次会议在人民大会堂举行第二次全体会议,审议全国人大常委···

    2022-03-09 07:58:26
  • 股票CR用法的技术要点相关讲解


    2021-08-18 09:23:53
  • 法总统马克龙:支持在欧盟范围内对能源公司利润征收暴利税


    2022-09-05 23:21:33
  • 法总理要求企业减少能源消耗 法国超半数核反应堆处于停机状态


    2022-08-30 17:44:43
  • 俄法总统通电话并就乌克兰周边局势交换意见


    2022-02-04 04:36:26
  • 美法总统闭门讨论《通胀削减法案》


    2022-12-02 09:14:13
  • 办法总比问题多 身份证丢了照样能贷款


    2021-09-11 20:20:48
  • Relative Performance

    英文名称:Relative Performance 中文名称:相对表现/相对业绩指特定证券相对于某种指数的业绩表现,如果该证券的相对业绩为正,则表明该证券一年以来的表现优于参考···

    2022-01-05 13:36:46
  • economic performance


    2022-01-05 12:13:45
  • Asset Performance

    A business's ability to take productive resources and manage them within its operations to produce subsequent returns. Asset performance is typically used to c···

    2022-01-05 16:40:25
  • Performance-Based Compensation

    An incentive-based form of compensation that is reserved for hedge fund managers or elite portfolio managers. The compensation will almost always be based on a···

    2022-01-05 14:25:11
  • Market Performance Committee

    A committee, consisting of members and allied members of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) who monitor the specialists' effectiveness in assuring an orderly m···

    2022-01-05 16:23:30
  • Performance Index Paper - PIP

    A short-term paper on which the rate is denominated and paid in a base currency. However, the rate movement is based on the exchange rate with an alternate cur···

    2022-01-05 15:52:50
  • Performance Bond

    A bond issued to one party of a contract as a guarantee against the failure of the other party to meet obligations specified in the contract. |||For example···

    2022-01-05 15:53:00