
  • 有意思的时间轨道

    有意思的时间轨道? 由设计师Evan Yiwei Ma设计的一款简洁时尚的手表,一眼就能看出它独特的地方是手表中间为楼空,使得表盘成环状。你既可以把这款手表当着电子表也能当着指···

    2022-02-19 06:57:59
  • st啥意思,st股票的交易规则有哪些?

    股票市场有很多种分类,也有很多种股票,比如普通的a股和价格较低的st级加工股票。科技股因其较低的价格和较低的当日波动指数而受到投资者的青睐。 st啥···

    2021-08-27 15:30:03
  • Settlement Period

    The period of time between the settlement date and the transaction date that is allotted to the parties of a transaction to satisfy the transaction's obligatio···

    2022-01-05 16:13:59
  • Payback Period

    英文名称:Payback Period中文名称:投资回收期···

    2022-01-05 13:08:29
  • Period Certain

    An annuitization-method option with which the annuitant selects a specific time period for which the annuity income payments will last. This is unlike the more···

    2022-01-05 14:17:29
  • Surrender Period

    The amount of time an investor must wait until he or she can withdraw funds from an annuity without facing a penalty. Withdrawing money before the agreed-upon···

    2022-01-05 14:24:09
  • Grace Period

    英文名称:Grace Period 中文名称:宽限期1.贷款到期后,经放款人允许,借款人可只支付利息而暂不偿还本金的时期;2.贷款人在贷款到期后,同意延长付款期限,在延长期满前借···

    2022-01-05 13:55:43
  • Base Period

    英文名称:Base Period 中文名称:基期在衡量某时期经济数据时,其数据作为比较基础的时期。···

    2022-01-05 13:57:28
  • Close Period

    The time period between the completion of a company's balance sheet and the announcing of the results to the public. Taobiz explains Close PeriodTypically occu···

    2022-01-05 16:36:13
  • Sprint period


    2022-01-05 09:22:19
  • Election Period

    The period of time during which an investor who owns an extendable or retractable bond must indicate to the issuer whether or not he or she will exercise his o···

    2022-01-05 16:00:56
  • Holding Period

    英文名称:Holding Period 中文名称:持有期指从买入到售出一项资产所经过的时间(或预期时间)。···

    2022-01-05 13:43:11
  • Blackout Period

    1. A term that refers to a temporary period in which access is limited or denied.2. A period of around 60 days during which employees of a company with a retir···

    2022-01-05 15:11:59
  • Workout Period

    The period of time in which temporary yield discrepancies between fixed income securities are adjusted. |||Investors typically take advantage of this period by···

    2022-01-05 15:47:37
  • accounting period


    2022-01-05 12:17:21