
  • 记忆效率

    记忆效率的概述   有位心理学家做过一个实验:他找了5篇文章,第一篇100字左右,第二篇200字左右,第三篇500字左右,第四篇1000字左右,第五篇5000字左右。这几篇文章内容的深浅程···

    2022-02-10 01:46:56
  • 记忆树

    什么是记忆树   记忆树是利用关联性记忆法,有效的将大量的资料整理并且快速的在脑中留下印象,特色是会以一个主题当作是主干,与其相关联的资料会采上下半辐射状依序连结出,呈···

    2022-03-02 23:59:25
  • 记忆是如何指导投资的?记忆力对投资有帮助吗?


    2021-08-20 21:35:08
  • Perpetual Option - XPO

    A non-standard financial option with no fixed maturity and no exercise limit. While the life of a standard option can vary from a few days to several years, a···

    2022-01-05 14:17:36
  • Perpetual Bond

    A bond with no maturity date. Perpetual bonds are not redeemable but pay a steady stream of interest forever. Some of the only notable perpetual bonds in exist···

    2022-01-05 15:52:51
  • Perpetual Note

    英文名称:Perpetual Note中文名称:永久票据指不设定最终期限,发行人只需持续支付利息,永不还本的一类具有股票特性的票据。e.g. The offerings sold yesterday include a $1.5···

    2022-01-05 12:54:23
  • Perpetual Preferred Stock

    A type of preferred stock that has no maturity date. The issuers of perpetual preferred stock will always have redemption privileges on such shares. Issued per···

    2022-01-05 16:19:40