
  • Phase Out

    1. The gradual reduction of a tax credit as a taxpayer approaches the income limit to qualify for that credit.2. The gradual reduction of a taxpayer's eligibil···

    2022-01-05 14:57:54
  • Gifting Phase

    The stage in an investor's life where he or she seeks to use his or her accumulated wealth to provide for the current and future needs of family and friends, a···

    2022-01-05 15:09:57
  • Annuitization Phase

    The period when the annuitant starts to receive payments from the annuity. This period is after the accumulation phase where money is invested into the annuity···

    2022-01-05 15:12:04
  • Spending Phase

    The period in a person's life following retirement in which earning income has come to a stop and the person is living off government subsidy, retirement plans···

    2022-01-05 15:05:53
  • Accumulation Phase

    1. A period of time when an annuity investor is in the early stages of building up the cash value of the annuity. This is followed by the annuitization phase w···

    2022-01-05 15:12:22
  • 软件、信创板块走低,十余股跌超6%


    2022-11-09 10:12:43
  • 软件指数主力资金净流出超30亿元,个股南天信息净卖出3.48亿元


    2022-11-03 13:41:51
  • MT5软件的优势是什么?


    2021-08-16 22:11:26
  • 7款软件无限期下架 在应用商店已无法下载


    2021-09-08 21:26:23
  • 软件服务板块大幅走低 中国软件逼近跌停


    2022-09-21 09:58:10
  • 软件概念港股走强 明源云涨8%

      软件概念港股走强。截至发稿,明源云涨8%;金蝶国际涨6%;祖龙娱乐涨4%;金山软件和玄武云涨3%。 (文章来源:财联社)···

    2022-12-22 14:36:01
  • 软件外包

    什么是软件外包  软件外包(Software Outsourcing)是一种依托于信息技术的服务模式,是指客户(发包方)将软件项目中的部分工作转交给软件外包服务商(接包方)代工开发的一种行为,它···

    2021-11-30 13:45:35
  • 3G软件工程师

    职位解析   1.与需求治理工程师共同明确软件需求及规格;  2.进行软件需求分析及可行性分析;  3.遵循软件开发流程,独立的进行应用及人机界面软件模块的···

    2022-02-10 13:16:45
  • 软件服务、信创方向继续走强 中国软件本月涨超70%


    2022-10-31 11:21:49
  • 软件概念股午后走强 石基信息涨停报价36.85元


    2021-09-06 14:05:08