
  • Currency Trading Platform

    A type of trading software used to help currency traders with forex trading analysis and trade execution. Currency trading platforms provide charts and order-t···

    2022-01-05 15:43:46
  • Periodic Payment Plan

    A type of investment plan, often sold to military personnel, that allows an investor to accumulate shares of a mutual fund indirectly by contributing a small,···

    2022-01-05 14:25:12
  • Periodic Payment Plan Certificate

    A certificate representing ownership interest in a periodic payment plan. Through section 27 of the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Securities and Exchange···

    2022-01-05 14:25:18
  • Employee Savings Plan

    A pooled investment account provided by an employer that allows employees to set aside a portion of their pretax wages for retirement savings or other long-ter···

    2022-01-05 15:10:39
  • Unfunded Pension Plan

    An employer managed retirement plan that uses the employer's current income to fund pension payments as they become necessary. This is in contrast to an advanc···

    2022-01-05 15:05:08
  • kp是啥意思是什么


    2021-08-17 10:09:09
  • yefi是啥币?


    2021-08-16 10:07:16
  • xd是啥意思?


    2021-08-17 04:08:40
  • roc是啥指标 该指标的买卖方法如何?


    2021-09-06 10:48:26
  • ETF是啥?


    2021-08-16 11:14:55
  • A股IPO是啥含义

    企业第一次向大众发行股票被称为IPO(Initial Public Offering)。即企业经过一家股票包···

    2021-09-18 15:16:09
  • 做T是啥含义


    2021-09-18 15:20:54
  • yefi是啥币

    yefi是虚拟货币,是一个基于Yottachain,非托管的,开源的,可互操作, 可扩展的,加密资产开放金融市场协议堆栈,依托于可商用公链YottaChain的核心技术,打造分布式存储+DeFi的生态···

    2021-08-19 19:18:18
  • ipo是啥意思,ipo过会与上市相隔多久时间

      一、ipo是啥意思  ipo中文是首次公开发行(IPO)的缩写,解释为首次公开发行,是指企业或公司(股份有限公司)首次向公众出售其股份(首次公开发行,是指股份公···

    2021-08-27 14:25:22
  • 工作超过40年,退休后一般退休金有多少?


    2021-09-08 17:34:18