Counterpoint:二季度中国智能手机销量环比下降13% 小米集团-W(01810)实现同比增长70%
Counterpoint:中国智能机Q4出货量跌11% 荣耀市场份额首次达第二
Counterpoint Research:2021年全球高端智能手机市场销售额同比增长达有史以来最高的24%
智通财经APP获悉,Counterpoint Research的Market Pulse Service(手机销量月度报告)数据显示,相较于2021年全球智能手机7%的增速,去年全球高端智能手机(平均批发价400美元以上约···
北京商报讯(记者魏蔚)11月30日,第三方机构Counterpoint Research的最新数据显示,XR(扩展现实)设备出货量于202···
Counterpoint:全球智能手机市场2023年同比增长2% 今年换机周期将创历史新高
Counterpoint预测,全球智能手机市场将在2023年同比增长2%。Counterpoin副总裁Peter Richardson表示,鉴于ASP增···
Point and Figure Chart
英文名称:Point and Figure Chart 中文名称:点数图指用“O”或“X”来表示股票价格下跌或上涨的一种图表。它仅仅刻画股票价格的变动而不去考虑时间或成交量。e···
Saturation Point
英文名称:Saturation Point 中文名称:市场饱和点指某一产品在市场上的供给达到满足需求的阶段。···
Basis Point
英文名称:Basis Point 中文名称:基点"基点是金融工具市场利率和债券收益率的标准计量单位。100个基点等于1个百分点,即1基点等于0.01个百分点。e.g. Manzara sai···
Delivery Point
In futures contracts, the delivery point is the place where the commodity will be delivered; the chosen location will have an effect on the net delivery price/···
Breakeven Point - BEP
1. In general, the point at which gains equal losses. 2. In options, the market price that a stock must reach for option buyers to avoid a loss if they exercis···
Inflection Point
An event that changes the way we think and act.-Andy Grove, Founder of Intel. For example, the fall of the Berlin Wall was an inflection point in global politi···
Cutoff Point
The point at which an investor decides whether or not a particular security is worth purchasing. The cutoff point is very subjective and will be based on the p···
Pivot Point
A technical indicator derived by calculating the numerical average of a particular stock's high, low and closing prices. The pivot point is used as a predictiv···