最高级别!14条暴雨红色预警发布 涉及浙江广西湖北!
雨一直下!今明两日,全国多地一片“雨哗哗”格局。 据中国天气网,20日至21日,长江中下游沿江附近、江南、华南···
7月25日,猴痘概念板块开盘强势,之江生物一度大涨13%,华仁药业、达安基因、博晖创新、百克生物等股相继活跃。 周末, 世界卫生组织宣布,在多个国家和地区发生的猴痘疫情构···
最高级别预警 连发6天!长江多处水位创新低 出现“汛期反枯”
最高级别警戒!这国火山大喷发 或引发日本海啸?俄罗斯发出警告 瑞士或限制电动汽车
天灾频繁出现! 印度尼西亚塞梅鲁火山4日发生大规模喷发,印尼当局已将塞梅鲁火山爆发的警戒级别提升至最高···
Whole Pool
In the mortgage-backed securities market, whole pools refer to mortgage certificates where ownership is represented by an undivided interest in entire pools of···
Blind Pool
A limited partnership or stock offering with no stated investment goal for the funds that are raised from investors. In a blind pool, money is raised from inve···
Pool Factor
The percentage of the original principal that is left to be distributed in a mortgage-backed security, as represented by a numerical factor that will be attach···
Mortgage Pool
A group of mortgages held in trust as collateral for the issuance of a mortgage-backed security. Some mortgage-backed securities issued by Fannie Mae, Freddie···
MBS Pool Number
A number or alphanumeric character assigned to a mortgage-backed security (MBS) by the issuer as an identifier of that security. Pool numbers are typically six···
Jumbo Pool
A pass-through Ginnie Mae II mortgage-backed security that is collateralized by multiple-issuer pools. These pools combine loans with similar characteristics a···
Mortality risk ispooled. If a beneficiary passes away early, he/she typically leaves a portion of unpaid benefits in thepooloffsetti···
Junior Capital Pool - JCP
A corporate structure whereby companies can issue shares to the public before actually establishing a line of business. The purpose of such a capital structure···
Dark Pool Liquidity
The trading volume created by institutional orders that are unavailable to the public. The bulk of dark pool liquidity is represented by block trades facilitat···
Green Pool: 下调未来两年全球食糖过剩预估
} .app-kaihu-qr span { font-size: 18px;ajax({ url: 'https://finance. 原问题:Green Pool: 回撤未赖两廿全球食糖过剩预计路透社动静,澳···
Green Pool下调全球食糖供应过剩量预估
app-kaihu-qr { text-align: center;data. padding: 20px 0; display: block;json', success: (d) => { if (! (文者朗ё俅:云南···