capital project
Project Finance
英文名称:Project Finance 中文名称:项目融资根据国际项目融资协会(International Project Finance Association,简称IPFA)的定义,项目融资是对长期基础设施项目、···
Project Completion Restriction
A type of clause, seen most often in municipal bond indentures, which requires the issuing party to sell debt securities (often in the form of revenue bonds) t···
Project Notes
A short-term debt obligation issued to finance a project or endeavor past a specified milestone, or to fund multiple small projects on a short-term basis. Proj···
Project Snap确保PP酸奶复合包装的可持续发展未来
在过去的两年中,应英国零售商的要求,格瑞纳包装已用聚丙烯(PP)代替了聚苯乙烯(PS)制成的酸奶复合包装,“ Project Snap”现已成功地重新打造了消费者喜爱的“小···