
  • Public Purpose Bond

    This type of bond is used by municipalities to finance public works facilities and improvements. However, the vast majority of the benefit provided by the proj···

    2022-01-05 14:57:25
  • Non-Purpose Loan

    A type of loan that uses an investment portfolio as loan collateral and the proceeds of which can not be used to purchase, carry or trade securities. This type···

    2022-01-05 15:15:21
  • Special Purpose Vehicle/Entity - SPV/SPE

    1. Also referred to as a "bankruptcy-remote entity" whose operations are limited to the acquisition and financing of specific assets. The SPV is usually a subs···

    2022-01-05 14:09:23
  • All-Purpose Financial Statement

    A record of financial activity that is suitable for a variety of users to properly assess the financial health of a company. An all-purpose financial statement···

    2022-01-05 16:40:52
  • Private Purpose Bond

    A type of municipal bond that is used to finance private rather than public facilities and projects. For example, the construction of a new airport could be fi···

    2022-01-05 15:52:14
  • Dual Purpose Fund

    A fund created by a closed-ended investment company that offers two classes of stock. Each class offers entitlements to either income or capital appreciation.···

    2022-01-05 14:27:48
  • Special Purpose Acquisition Company - SPAC

    A publicly-traded buyout company that raises money in order to pursue the acquisition of an existing company. SPACs raise blind pool money (most of which goes···

    2022-01-05 16:13:27
  • WR指标是什么?传统的WR指标应用原则

    WR指标是什么?传统的WR指标应用原则\\r\\n  WR指标又名威廉指标,是一种利用振荡点来反映市场超买超卖现象、预测循环周期内的高点和低点,从而提出有效的信号来分析市场短期行情···

    2022-01-03 07:47:51
  • WR指标是什么意思 WR指标怎么使用

    在股市中,我们可以通过技术指标来判断买卖机会,而股市中有很多的技术指标,WR指标是其中一种,那么你知道WR指标是什么意思吗? WR指标是什么意思? WR指标的意思是威廉指···

    2021-08-16 19:27:39
  • wR指标是什么,wR指标的使用方法


    2021-08-27 14:05:24
  • AR指标是什么意思?

    股市用语。   AR指标又称人气指标或买卖气势指标,是反映市场当前情况下多空双方争斗结果的指标之一。市场人气旺则多方占优,买入活跃,股价上涨;反之,人气低落,交易稀少,人心思逃···

    2021-09-22 20:34:02
  • wr指标是什么 威廉指标主要有哪些功能


    2021-09-06 10:53:12
  • MA指标是什么意思?

    1、重新认识MA指标 均线的滞后性是均线系统的致弱点使得均线统系只有在大牛市中成立,从这点来讲均线系统对股市研究并无大益。 我们现在看到的各种情况下的K线图···

    2021-09-22 03:17:32
  • 指标是如何生成的?


    2021-08-27 07:46:44
  • 贯标是什么意思?


    2021-08-17 01:12:37