“查找”功能暗藏交友邀请 苹果应彻查用户隐私保护漏洞
年中重磅新基!A股核心资产2.0淬火重生 ETF大厂再布投资利器
python 期货,国都期货有限公司怎么样?
Python期货量化交易实战 作 者:酆士昌,刘承彦 著,席松鹤 译出版社:人民邮电出版社丛编项:标 签:暂缺···
Python量化炒期货入门与实战技巧 作 者:王征,李晓波 著出版社:中国铁道出版社丛编项:标 签:暂缺···
Watch List
A list of securities being monitored closely by a brokerage or exchange in order to spot irregularities. Firms on the watch list might be suspected of regulato···
List In Integrity
英文名称:List In Integrity 中文名称:整体上市公司将主要资产和业务进行股份制改革,整体打包进行上市的行为。与其相对的分拆上市(Carveout)。···
Legal List
A selection of eligible companies and investments, determined by local state governments, for institutions such as insurance companies and pension plans. These···
Blue List
A daily digest of municipal and corporate bond offerings, market commentaries, fixed-income statistics and other bond information. The blue list is used by bon···
Threshold List
A daily public accounting of market settlement system failures (or 'fails') published by the National Securities Clearing Corporation in compliance with SEC re···
Gray List
A list of stocks that are ineligible for trade by an investment bank's risk arbitrage division. The gray list is composed of firms working with the investment···
Focus List
A list of recommended stocks published by an investment firm's research department. Focus lists generally consist of a small number of stocks that the firm bel···
Approved List
A list of pre-selected securities that are deemed fit for purchase by a mutual fund or the clients of a brokerage firm.In both cases, the intent is to limit th···