
  • MACD的介绍以及实战应用


    2021-08-18 10:09:48
  • 搭配增资

    什么是搭配增资   搭配增资又称为“有偿与无偿并行增资”,是指股份公司向原股东分摊新股时,仅让股东支付发行价格的一部分就可获得一定数额股票的方式。   该发行方式是···

    2021-12-27 23:21:52
  • 转配的含义是什么?

      转配的含义?转配的概念?   转配是企业分红时的一种方式,企业为了扩大资本 盈利又要分红,企业就转配股给股东代替分现金。   这样资本就留在了企业内,扩大了企业规模。 ···

    2021-08-20 21:17:10
  • 分配的边际产品理论

    分配的边际产品理论 由约翰·B·克拉克提出的一种收入分配理论。根据该理论,每一生产性投入依据其边际产品获得相应的报酬。···

    2021-11-25 16:25:38
  • Salary Reduction Simplified Employee Pension Plan - SARSEP

    A plan offered by small companies - typically those with fewer than 25 employees - that allows employees to make pretax contributions to their Individual Retir···

    2022-01-05 15:19:07
  • Emissions Reduction Purchase Agreement - ERPA

    A transaction that transfers carbon credits between two parties under the Kyoto Protocol. The buyer pays the seller cash in exchange for carbon credits, thereb···

    2022-01-05 15:27:10
  • Capital Reduction

    英文名称:Capital Reduction 中文名称:资本缩减公司缩减股东权益的做法,可通过撤销或回购已发行股票进行。The process of decreasing a company's shareholder equity throug···

    2022-01-05 14:03:01
  • Capital Reduction Scheme [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited]


    2022-01-05 12:36:26
  • Salary Reduction Contribution

    A cash- or deferred-contribution arrangement of an employer-sponsored retirement plan, under which participants can choose to set aside part of their pre-tax c···

    2022-01-05 15:06:13