
  • 怎么说转债是攻守兼备的抄底利器

      怎么说转债是攻守兼备的抄底利器?   经济有繁荣衰退、市场有牛熊交替,除了理性思维外,只有抱着乐观态度的人才能在这个市场上长期活下去。凡事有因果,如果不是2005年和20···

    2021-08-23 23:46:35
  • 怎么说止损也是一种盈利

      怎么说止损也是一种盈利?止损也是一种盈利的根据是什么?下面股票知识网为您介绍止损也是一种盈利。   止损也叫“割肉”,是指当某一投资出现的亏损达到预定数···

    2021-08-26 03:41:14
  • 期货 英文,股指期货什么意思?通俗点讲,谢谢!


    2021-10-23 03:34:22
  • 英文会计报表

    企业财务会计报表封面   FINANCIAL REPORT COVER  报表所属期间之期末时间点 Period Ended  所属月份 Reporting Period  报出日期 Submit Date  记账本位币币···

    2022-01-12 12:36:55
  • 期权 英文,判断期权价内或价外看涨看跌标准是什么?


    2022-03-12 22:20:03
  • NAV Return

    The change in the net asset value of an exchange-traded fund (ETF) or mutual fund over a given time period. The NAV return of an ETF or mutual fund can be diff···

    2022-01-05 14:25:25
  • Tax Return

    1. The tax form or forms used to file income taxes with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Tax returns often are set up in a worksheet format, where the incom···

    2022-01-05 14:48:18
  • Return

    The gain or loss of a security in a particular period. The return consists of the income and the capital gains relative on an investment. It is usually quoted···

    2022-01-05 14:50:29
  • Mean Return

    1. In securities analysis, it is the expected value, or mean, of all the likely returns of investments comprising a portfolio. It is also known as "expected re···

    2022-01-05 16:23:27
  • financial return


    2022-01-05 02:27:14
  • Return on asset


    2022-01-05 04:26:45
  • fair return


    2022-01-05 12:15:47
  • composite return form


    2022-01-05 12:18:04
  • Return on capital employed


    2022-01-05 12:31:52
  • Return on equity


    2022-01-05 12:32:28