
  • Revenue

    英文名称:Revenue 中文名称:营业收入指公司、企业在某一段时间内通过销售产品或提供服务所获得的收入的总额,也称“销售额”(sales)或“营业额”(turnover)。e.g. Ge···

    2022-01-05 13:17:39
  • estimated revenue


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  • Revenue-sharing


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  • capital revenue


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  • general revenue


    2022-01-05 12:40:02
  • Marginal Revenue


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  • Total Revenue

    英文名称:Total Revenue中文名称:总收入 eb1619e81e59668d2db8098284f6daa5 按照财政部公布的《企业会计准则》的定义,指企业在销售商品、提供劳务及他人使用本···

    2022-01-05 13:27:22
  • Deferred Revenue

    英文名称:Deferred Revenue 中文名称:递延收入在会计上按照“权责发生制”原则,将尚未取得而预收的,应在以后会计期间确认的收入称为递延收入。在会计上将这部分···

    2022-01-05 13:36:57
  • Unearned Revenue

    英文名称:Unearned Revenue 中文名称:未实现收入指个人或公司对未提供的服务或产品收取的费用。···

    2022-01-05 13:43:35
  • Revenue Per Occupied Room - RevPOR

    An industry metric used to evaluate companies in the hotel and lodging industries. RevPOR is used in conjunction with, or in place of, the more standard revenu···

    2022-01-05 14:31:40
  • Revenue Per Available Room - RevPAR

    A performance metric in the hotel industry, which is calculated by multiplying a hotel's average daily room rate (ADR) by its occupancy rate. It may also be ca···

    2022-01-05 14:31:47
  • Revenue Ruling

    A decree issued by the IRS that essentially has the force of law. A revenue ruling outlines the IRS's interpretation of the tax laws and is binding on all IRS···

    2022-01-05 14:50:30
  • Revenue Agent

    A person who works for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) examination department. Revenue agents are usually responsible for (random) audits.···

    2022-01-05 14:50:39
  • Revenue Officer

    1. A person working for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) collections department. 2. Short for Chief Revenue Officer, a person responsible for all revenue-gen···

    2022-01-05 14:50:41
  • Return On Revenue - ROR

    A measure of a corporation's profitability, calculated as net income divided by revenue. |||The ROR is useful in comparing the profitability of a company from···

    2022-01-05 15:19:16