
  • 翻译公司在金融翻译中的注意事项有哪些?


    2021-08-16 21:49:25
  • 翻译君怎么翻译图片?


    2022-02-23 22:39:03
  • AI翻译传递冬奥温度:助推信息沟通无障碍

      每一届奥运,都是科技进步的集大成者,最“硬核”的新技术都会在奥运舞台上首先绽放。   1932年洛杉矶奥···

    2022-01-25 17:01:43
  • 期货 翻译,宝城期货有限责任公司怎么样?


    2021-11-01 05:44:47
  • 翻译君怎么开免流?


    2022-02-23 21:39:03
  • Voting Right

    The right of a stockholder to vote on matters of corporate policy and who will make up the board of directors. Voting often involves decisions on issuing secur···

    2022-01-05 16:08:04
  • Share Purchase Rights

    A type of security that gives the holder the option, but not the obligation, to purchase a predetermined number of shares at a predetermined price. This is sim···

    2022-01-05 16:14:14
  • Right issue


    2022-01-05 12:44:29
  • Appraisal Right

    The right of shareholders to demand the fair payment of securities undergoing a merger by a third party valuator.Taobiz explains Appraisal RightIt's a protecti···

    2022-01-05 16:40:04
  • Obligatory Right

    英文名称:Obligatory Right 中文名称:债权与债务相对的一种权利,指在未来可以收回某项权益的权利。···

    2022-01-05 13:49:41
  • Theoretical Ex-Rights Price

    The market price that a stock will theoretically have following a new rights issue. Although the stock price is not likely to change immediately following the···

    2022-01-05 16:10:29
  • chargor's right


    2022-01-05 12:46:32
  • Free Right Of Exchange

    An investor's right to transfer an asset to another party without incurring any transaction fees on the exchange. Unlike a sales transaction, the investor is e···

    2022-01-05 16:29:00
  • Renounceable Right

    An offer issued by a corporation to shareholders to purchase more shares of the corporation's stock (usually at a discount). Renounceable rights have a value a···

    2022-01-05 16:17:16
  • Registration Right

    A contractual right giving investors holding restricted stock the ability to demand that the issuing company register the shares to the SEC, effectively making···

    2022-01-05 16:17:30