什么是音响商标 以音符编成的一组音乐或以某种非凡声音作为商品或服务的商标即是音响商标。如美国一家唱片公司使用11个音符编成一组乐曲,把它灌制在他们所出售的录音···
Roth 401(k)
An employer-sponsored investment savings account that is funded with after-tax money. After the investor reaches age 59.5, withdrawals of any money from the ac···
Roth IRA
An individual retirement plan that bears many similarities to the traditional IRA, but contributions are not tax deductible and qualified distributions are tax···
Roth IRA Conversion
A reportable movement of assets from a Traditional, SEP or SIMPLE IRA to a Roth IRA. The movement of assets may be taxable. A conversion may be accomplished by···
Roth Option
An option available within some employer-sponsored qualified plans that allows for Roth tax treatment of employee contributions. The Roth option allows employe···
Designated Roth Account
An individual retirement plan in which employees can have all or a portion of contributions to a 401(k) or 403(b) placed into a separate Roth retirement accoun···