
  • K线语言(酒田战法)一


    2021-12-20 07:50:13
  • Options Clearing Corporation - OCC

    A clearing organization that acts as both the issuer and guarantor for option and futures contracts. The Options Clearing Corporation is regulated by both the···

    2022-01-05 14:17:37
  • China Investment Corporation - CIC

    A government-sponsored entity of the People's Republic of China that seeks to invest in securities and commodities abroad. The CIC was initially funded with ar···

    2022-01-05 15:45:19
  • Personal-Service Corporation

    A corporation that is created for the purpose of providing personal services to individuals or groups. To be considered a personal-service corporation by the I···

    2022-01-05 14:57:52
  • Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC)

    [美国] 清债信托公司···

    2022-01-05 12:14:44
  • 学c语言要什么基础?


    2022-04-10 02:39:03
  • 语言感化策略

    什么是语言感化策略[1]   根据公众在接待过程的特别需要,为了提高工作效率与效果,应该强化接待工作的策略意识。公共关系接待工作策略主要有语言感化策略、体态语言规范策···

    2022-02-13 07:07:09
  • 副语言沟通

    什么是副语言沟通   非语言沟通的内涵十分丰富,目前为人们所用的有身体语言沟通、副语言沟通和物体的操纵等。  副语言沟通是通过非语词的声音,如重音、声调的变化,以及···

    2022-02-03 23:22:56
  • 语言沟通

    什么是语言沟通   根据沟通所借用的媒介的不同,可划分为语言沟通与非语言沟通。  语言沟通是指以语词符号为载体实现的沟通,主要包括口头沟通、书面沟通和电子沟通等。···

    2022-02-12 06:16:48
  • ACT(Advance Corporation Tax)

    英文名称:ACT(Advance Corporation Tax) eb1619e81e59668d2db8098284f6daa5···

    2022-01-05 13:59:27