什么是副语言沟通 非语言沟通的内涵十分丰富,目前为人们所用的有身体语言沟通、副语言沟通和物体的操纵等。 副语言沟通是通过非语词的声音,如重音、声调的变化,以及···
什么是语言沟通 根据沟通所借用的媒介的不同,可划分为语言沟通与非语言沟通。 语言沟通是指以语词符号为载体实现的沟通,主要包括口头沟通、书面沟通和电子沟通等。···
什么是语言感化策略[1] 根据公众在接待过程的特别需要,为了提高工作效率与效果,应该强化接待工作的策略意识。公共关系接待工作策略主要有语言感化策略、体态语言规范策···
In technical analysis, it is when a stock price approaches a support or resistance level set by the market. If the stock stays within the support and resistanc···
A statistical method used to test one or more hypotheses within a population or a proportion within a population. When testing a hypothesis about a population···
Resiliency Test
英文名称:Resiliency Test中文名称:资金实力测试 eb1619e81e59668d2db8098284f6daa5 指对保险公司偿付能力(solvency)的测试,以确保他们有足够的资产抵备他们的理···
Earnings Test
英文名称:Earnings Test 中文名称:收益测试该测试规定发行附加抵押债券要满足的条件为:特定时期内的收益至少是利息费用的一定倍数。···
Acid Test
英文名称:Acid Test 中文名称:酸性测试/速动比率测试/速动比率测试一项用以衡量一家公司是否拥有足够的、能迅速变现的短期资产,在不出售存货的情况下解决其短期负债的测试。参···
Support Test
One of five tests that must be passed in order to claim someone as a dependent. The Support Test mandates that the taxpayer must have provided more than half o···
Relationship Test
One of several tests that a person must pass in order to be claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return. The relationship test has several criteria, an···
Citizenship Test
One of the key criteria set forth by the IRS that a person must satisfy in order to be claimed as someone else's dependent. The citizenship test dictates that···
Dirks Test
A standard used by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to determine whether someone who receives and acts on insider information (a tippee) is guilty···
litmus test