
  • 售后服务

    定义  After-sale Service;After Service  售后服务,是指生产企业、经销商把产品(或服务)销售给消费者之后,为消费者提供的一系列服务是宗旨服务,包括产品介绍、送货、安装···

    2021-12-07 14:51:48
  • 指纹锁安全吗?指纹锁令人多人担心的问题都是什么?


    2021-08-22 04:48:16
  • 售后与整车配套齐发力 冠盛股份2021年营收同比增长35.09%


    2022-04-16 10:30:13
  • 2022售后服务满意度出炉:自主品牌提升明显 主流车与豪华车差距不断缩小

      “体验为王”背景下,车企的售后服务能力成为备受关注的指标之一。   9月29日,消费者洞察与市场研究机构J.D.···

    2022-10-05 10:54:10
  • 售后公房

      房改以后,购买的公有住房,但在外观上,由于附有单位的政策优惠,承担着特殊的社会化义务,因此又习惯地称为售后公房,实际上就是私房。   售后公房最大的特点是面积小、总价低···

    2021-12-16 12:46:23
  • 售后商家说了算?盲盒不能“盲规则”


    2022-03-15 20:23:48
  • 售后回购是什么意思

      售后回购是什么意思?   售后回购,销售某样商品,签订销售合同的同时签订一份回购协议,约定在未来某一特定时间或时间段以一个约定价格将该商品购回。大致上包括标的商品名···

    2021-08-20 16:37:18
  • 售后回购

    什么是售后回购售后回购的英文名称  售后回购(Sales with Buyback Agreements)售后回购的定义  售后回购交易是一种特殊形式的销售业务,它是指卖方在销售商品的同时,与购货···

    2022-01-14 10:51:52
  • 售后包租是什么意思?售后包租有什么风险?


    2021-08-26 15:53:37
  • 售后租回

    售后租回交易  由于在售后租回交易中资产的售价和租金是相互关联的,是以一揽子方式谈判的,是一并计算的,因此资产的出售和租回实质上是同一笔业务。因此出售资产的损益应分···

    2022-01-14 11:03:06
  • Series 4

    A securities license entitling the holder to supervise options sales personnel and compliance issues. Before taking the Series 4 exam, you must have your Serie···

    2022-01-05 14:16:20
  • Series 55

    A securities license entitling the holder to actively participate in equity trading. Taobiz explains Series 55The Series 55 exam is administered by the Financi···

    2022-01-05 16:14:52
  • Series 82

    An exam administered by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) for individuals seeking to become private securities offering representatives. A pe···

    2022-01-05 16:14:54
  • Series 42

    An exam offered by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) for financial professionals seeking to become licensed options representatives for a FIN···

    2022-01-05 14:16:24
  • Series A Financing

    The first round of financing undergone for a new business venture after seed capital. Generally, this is the first time that company ownership is offered to ex···

    2022-01-05 16:14:55