
  • 股票造市是什么意思?股票造市的做法有哪些分析


    2021-08-18 20:50:54
  • 股票造市的做法有哪些?造市特征介绍


    2021-09-18 16:18:37
  • 股票造市

    什么是股票造市   股票造市就是某些股市大户或做手人为制造股市行情,或升或跌,以图暴利。我们可以先看看两个造市故事:  台湾有一个老板控制着某种原材料的运输,他持···

    2021-12-27 20:21:57
  • C-Share

    In a family of multi-class mutual funds, the class that has a constant load structure throughout the life of the fund. The class C fund usually has a higher ma···

    2022-01-05 14:28:21
  • Cash Flow Per Share

    A measure of a firm's financial strength, calculated as follows:|||Many analysts, as well as some of the greatest investors of all time, place more weight on c···

    2022-01-05 15:30:51
  • B-Share

    A class in a family of multi-class mutual funds. This class is characterized by a back-end load structure that is paid only when the fund is sold. Class B fund···

    2022-01-05 14:28:32
  • Share Purchase Rights

    A type of security that gives the holder the option, but not the obligation, to purchase a predetermined number of shares at a predetermined price. This is sim···

    2022-01-05 16:14:14
  • Share Capital

    Funds raised by issuing shares in return for cash or other considerations. The amount of share capital a company has can change over time because each time a b···

    2022-01-05 16:14:15
  • Share Turnover

    A measure of stock liquidity calculated by dividing the total number of shares traded over a period by the average number of shares outstanding for the period.···

    2022-01-05 16:47:07
  • Share Repurchase

    A program by which a company buys back its own shares from the marketplace, reducing the number of outstanding shares. This is usually an indication that the c···

    2022-01-05 16:14:19
  • Share Certificate

    A share certificate is a written document signed on behalf of a corporation, and serves as legal proof of ownership of the number of shares indicated.Also refe···

    2022-01-05 16:14:46
  • Share Class

    A designation applied to a specified type of security such as common stock or mutual fund units. Companies that have more than one class of common stock usuall···

    2022-01-05 16:14:47
  • Active-Share Study

    An academic study conducted by researchers from Yale in 2006. The active-share study examined the proportion of stock holdings in a mutual fund's composition t···

    2022-01-05 14:28:59
  • equity share


    2022-01-05 12:32:59
  • Code on Share Repurchases [Share Repurchase Code]


    2022-01-05 02:41:45