Step Premium
A type of option where the cost of purchasing the option is paid gradually as the strike approaches instead of when the trade is initiated. The options contrac···
Step-Up Bond
A bond that pays an initial coupon rate for the first period, and then a higher coupon rate for the following periods. |||In other words, the coupon "steps up"···
Step-Up In Basis
The readjustment of the value of an appreciated asset for tax purposes upon inheritance. With a step-up in basis, the value of the asset is determined to be th···
k线颜色分别代表什么 花几分钟来了解清楚
市场投资中不仅要了解期货手续费,也要能够读懂k线图,在进行k线图分析中,要了解到K线图的色彩不同,所代表的意义是有本质区别的。 如果在大盘上k线显···
k线颜色代表什么 k线与成交量的关系
用颜色“说话” 让数据“跑腿”