
  • 金融术语英汉对照

    外汇与汇率通汇合约 Agency Agreement 通汇银行 Correspondent Bank 商业汇票 Commercial Bill of Exchange 银行支票 Banker’s Check 国外汇票 Foreign Bill of Exchange···

    2021-11-19 17:45:33
  • 术语、定义是如何在期货交易活动中被使用的?(4)


    2021-10-06 14:49:10
  • 术语、定义是如何在期货交易活动中被使用的?(5)

    反向市场(Inverted Market)一个新近交割月份的期货合约的价格比较远交割月份的合约更高的期货市场。最后交易日(Last Trading Day)某一确定月份中特定合约交易可以发生的最···

    2021-10-06 14:59:07
  • 术语、定义是如何在期货交易活动中被使用的?(2)


    2021-10-06 15:04:10
  • 术语、定义是如何在期货交易活动中被使用的?(6)

    单方(Per Side)在建立交易头寸和进行对冲交易时,通常都要向交易单方收取一定的费用。有些时候,为了在广告或在你的报表中显得费用更加低廉,佣金会以单方费率列示出来。仓位限制···

    2021-10-06 15:09:06
  • A股术语知多少?股票术语简易介绍


    2021-10-01 17:58:08
  • 术语类问题和动力煤期货手续费都会对投资人造成影响


    2021-09-03 15:15:23
  • 术语、定义是如何在期货交易活动中被使用的?(3)

    商品期货交易委员会(CommodityFutures Trading Commission, CFTC)商品期货交易委员会于1975年成立,该委员会管理在美国的所有商品期货和期货期权合约交易。这个委员会由主席···

    2021-10-06 14:34:10
  • 术语、定义是如何在期货交易活动中被使用的?(1)


    2021-10-06 14:39:05
  • Buy A Spread

    Option strategy that will be profitable if the underlying security rises in value moderately. A bull spread can be executed either by put or call options. If t···

    2022-01-05 14:22:09
  • Spread Trading

    英文名称:Spread Trading 中文名称:价差交易在买入一份期货合约的同时卖出另一份期货合约,利用期货合约价格之间不合理关系进行无风险套利的交易。···

    2022-01-05 13:53:30
  • Calendar Spread

    An options or futures spread established by simultaneously entering a long and short position on the same underlying asset but with different delivery months.···

    2022-01-05 14:22:23
  • Box Spread

    A dual option position involving a bull and bear spread with identical expiry dates. This investment strategy provides for minimal risk. Additionally, it can l···

    2022-01-05 14:22:26
  • Bull Call Spread

    An options strategy that involves purchasing call options at a specific strike price while also selling the same number of calls of the same asset and expirati···

    2022-01-05 14:22:28
  • Crack Spread

    The spread created in commodity markets by purchasing oil futures and offsetting the position by selling gasoline and heating oil futures. This investment alig···

    2022-01-05 14:40:45