
  • Evening Star

    A bearish candlestick pattern consisting of three candles that have demonstrated the following characteristics: 1. The first bar is a large white candlestick l···

    2022-01-05 14:55:21
  • STAR原则

    STAR原则简介   招聘面试是经理工作的一项重要内容,每个成功的经理人都必须具备高超的招聘面试技巧,以招聘到合适的人充实到工作团队中,使合适的人在合适的岗位上,创造岗位···

    2022-02-07 17:24:04
  • Death Star IPO

    A company's highly anticipated initial public offering (IPO) that becomes a blockbuster with investors. The Death Star IPO is a reference to the DS-1 Orbital B···

    2022-01-05 16:34:12
  • Tri-Star

    A type of candlestick pattern that signals a reversal in the current trend. This pattern is formed when three consecutive doji candlesticks appear at the end o···

    2022-01-05 14:51:10
  • Star

    1. A type of candlestick formation that is identified when a small bodied-candle is positioned above the price range of the previous candle as a result of a ga···

    2022-01-05 14:51:48
  • Shooting Star

    A type of candlestick formation that results when a security's price, at some point during the day, advances well above the opening price but closes lower than···

    2022-01-05 14:52:17
  • star vc投资了哪些项目?

      最近根据中国基金业协会披露,由任泉、黄晓明、李冰冰三人投资的明星私募star vc正面临三个棘手的问题,唯一高管无从业资格、注册办公地无法联系、没有备案产品。如果S···

    2021-08-16 05:47:23
  • Morning Star

    A bullish candlestick pattern that consists of three candles that have demonstrated the following characteristics:1. The first bar is a large red candlestick l···

    2022-01-05 14:53:23
  • 问题一大把的中利集团 欲再画260亿光伏大饼?资金被随意占用

      5月16日,中利集团(002309.SZ)股价跌0.98%,报4.05元/股。今年以来公司市值已从58.9亿元跌至35.3亿元,市值跌去40%。  随着市值大跌的还有其2021年的业绩。2021年归母净利大···

    2022-05-17 09:38:58
  • 问题板块出现的见顶前兆


    2021-08-18 12:51:42
  • 问题一大把的中利集团 欲再画260亿光伏大饼?


    2022-05-17 07:46:37
  • 5个问题全面认识货币基金

      你对货币基金的认识有多少?下面五个问题帮助你全面认识货币基金。   1. 什么是货基?   基金就是我们把钱交给基金公司让他们帮忙理财,货币基金就是把钱专门投到···

    2021-08-16 06:21:40
  • 问题公司


    2021-12-26 02:11:41
  • 问题来了,现在市场最深的套路是什么?


    2022-01-15 09:23:02
  • 问题机构被罚暂停资格1-3个月!新股报价改价频次多、幅度大 深交所出手了

      打击新股报价乱象,监管在行动!  8月12日,深交所有关负责人表示,近期,关注到少数网下投资者在报价过程中出现改价频次多、改价幅度大、报价持续高度一致等异···

    2021-08-23 19:04:53