
  • 英译名“Sexytea”引争议,茶颜悦色致歉

       以营销出圈的网红茶饮茶颜悦色,再次因英译名冲上热搜,并为取名不够严谨而向公众致歉。   9月17日,茶颜悦色···

    2022-09-18 14:18:07
  • Hockey Stick Bidding

    An anti-competitive bidding practice in which a market participant (or trader) offers an extremely high price for a small portion of a good. The name derives f···

    2022-01-05 14:37:04
  • Hockey Stick Chart

    A line chart in which a sharp increase or decrease occurs over a period of time. The line connecting the data points resembles a hockey stick, with the "blade"···

    2022-01-05 14:54:31