
  • Stock-For-Stock

    1. In the context of mergers and acquisitions, the exchange of an acquiring company's stock for the stock of the acquired company at a predetermined rate. Usua···

    2022-01-05 16:12:07
  • Stock Trader, Stock Trading


    2022-01-05 12:18:14
  • 翻译公司在金融翻译中的注意事项有哪些?


    2021-08-16 21:49:25
  • 翻译君怎么翻译图片?


    2022-02-23 22:39:03
  • AI翻译传递冬奥温度:助推信息沟通无障碍

      每一届奥运,都是科技进步的集大成者,最“硬核”的新技术都会在奥运舞台上首先绽放。   1932年洛杉矶奥···

    2022-01-25 17:01:43
  • 期货 翻译,宝城期货有限责任公司怎么样?


    2021-11-01 05:44:47
  • 翻译君怎么开免流?


    2022-02-23 21:39:03
  • Income Stock

    An equity security that pays regular, often steadily increasing dividends, and offers a high yield that may generate the majority of overall returns. While the···

    2022-01-05 16:26:12
  • Stock Replacement Strategy

    An investment strategy that attempts to mimic the returns of a certain asset or group of assets by using a combination of different derivatives rather than buy···

    2022-01-05 14:12:42
  • Singapore Stock Exchange


    2022-01-05 12:43:45
  • Tracking Stock

    英文名称:Tracking Stock 中文名称:追踪股票母公司发行的股票,用以追踪公司特定部门或者子公司的表现。···

    2022-01-05 13:21:21
  • Drill-Bit Stock

    A term used to describe shares that trade for prices less than one dollar. The fractional prices are comparable to the diameter measures of drill-bits found in···

    2022-01-05 16:32:16
  • Beirut Stock Exchange - BSE

    The stock exchange headquartered in Beirut, Lebanon. |||The BSE was created through legislative decree in 1983.···

    2022-01-05 15:31:12
  • Blue-Chip Stock

    Stock of a well-established and financially sound company that has demonstrated its ability to pay dividends in both good and bad times. Taobiz explains Blue-C···

    2022-01-05 16:38:22
  • Dual Class Stock

    Dual stock issued for a single company with varying classes indicating the different voting rights and dividend payments. Taobiz explains Dual Class StockThese···

    2022-01-05 16:32:28