Support (Support Level)
The price level which, historically, a stock has had difficulty falling below. It is thought of as the level at which a lot of buyers tend to enter the stock.···
英文名称:Support 中文名称:支撑价位指这样一个价格水平,在该价格水平之上,买进量多于卖出量,从而价格不会跌至该价格水平之下。参见阻力价位(Resistance)和趋势线(Tr···
financial support agreement
economic support
Support Level
英文名称:Support Level 中文名称:支撑线技术分析中的术语,在某个价格下,一种股票的价格会止跌反弹,这些确定价格在时间上的移动即形成支撑线。e.g. Support Level···
Support Test
One of five tests that must be passed in order to claim someone as a dependent. The Support Test mandates that the taxpayer must have provided more than half o···
Zone Of Support
A price zone in which a stock finds support and begins to trade upward once again. In technical analysis, support occurs not at a finite point, but in a zone.···
Multiple Support Agreement
An agreement signed by two or more taxpayers who provide financial support for the same dependent. A multiple support agreement allows several persons who join···
general support grant
Broker Booth Support System - BBSS
An electronic system used by the New York Stock Exchange to send orders between brokers and trading booths on the floor of the exchange. The BBSS is an extreme···