
  • 翻译公司在金融翻译中的注意事项有哪些?


    2021-08-16 21:49:25
  • 翻译君怎么翻译图片?


    2022-02-23 22:39:03
  • AI翻译传递冬奥温度:助推信息沟通无障碍

      每一届奥运,都是科技进步的集大成者,最“硬核”的新技术都会在奥运舞台上首先绽放。   1932年洛杉矶奥···

    2022-01-25 17:01:43
  • 期货 翻译,宝城期货有限责任公司怎么样?


    2021-11-01 05:44:47
  • 翻译君怎么开免流?


    2022-02-23 21:39:03
  • Take or Pay

    英文名称:Take or Pay 中文名称:必付合约一项合约条款,规定交易方必须缴付特定金额或收取交付的货品。···

    2022-01-05 13:53:18
  • Take the Offer


    2022-01-05 14:06:58
  • Take A Bath

    A slang term referring to the situation of an investor who has experienced a large loss from an investment or speculative position. Investors whose shares have···

    2022-01-05 14:29:31
  • Take-Out Lender

    A type of financial institution that provides a long-term mortgage on property. This mortgage will replace interim financing, such as a construction loan. Take···

    2022-01-05 15:49:32
  • Take position


    2022-01-05 12:35:17
  • Take-Profit Order - T/P

    An order used by currency traders specifying the exact rate or number of pips from the current price point where to close out their current position for a prof···

    2022-01-05 15:33:58
  • Take A Flier

    The slang term for a decision to invest in highly speculative investments. Taobiz explains Take A FlierWhen an investor is taking a flier, he or she is knowing···

    2022-01-05 16:11:22