
  • 课程开到生产线 校企携手共育现代养殖技术人才


    2022-01-22 08:15:55
  • 3万课程一节没上机构倒闭了 各位家长注意了


    2021-09-07 08:22:06
  • “课程实练”平台的使用


    2022-02-06 21:43:02
  • Double Taxation

    A taxation principle referring to income taxes that are paid twice on the same source of earned income.Double taxation occurs because corporations are consider···

    2022-01-05 15:02:48
  • Taxation Risk

    英文名称:Taxation Risk 中文名称:税务风险指与股息收入和资本获利相关的税收法律发生变化,令股票吸引力减弱的风险。···

    2022-01-05 13:56:30
  • Taxation Without Representation

    A situation in which a government imposes taxes on a particular group of its citizens, despite the citizens not consenting or having an actual representative d···

    2022-01-05 14:47:45
  • Taxation

    Taxation refers to the act of a taxing authority actually levying tax. Taxation as a term applies to all types of taxes, from income to gift to estate taxes. I···

    2022-01-05 14:47:54