
  • 翻译公司在金融翻译中的注意事项有哪些?


    2021-08-16 21:49:25
  • 期货 翻译,宝城期货有限责任公司怎么样?


    2021-11-01 05:44:47
  • AI翻译传递冬奥温度:助推信息沟通无障碍

      每一届奥运,都是科技进步的集大成者,最“硬核”的新技术都会在奥运舞台上首先绽放。   1932年洛杉矶奥···

    2022-01-25 17:01:43
  • 翻译君怎么开免流?


    2022-02-23 21:39:03
  • 翻译君怎么翻译图片?


    2022-02-23 22:39:03
  • Term CD

    英文名称:Term CD 中文名称:定期存款单指期限固定且在存续期间按固定利率支付利息的存款单。···

    2022-01-05 13:22:20
  • Term

    1. The lifespan assigned to an asset or a liability, over which the value of the asset/liability is expected to either grow or shrink, depending on its nature.···

    2022-01-05 16:10:45
  • Term Sheet

    英文名称:Term Sheet 中文名称:条款清单在风险投资程序中,完成审慎调查阶段后,如果申请风险投资的项目被看好,那么便可以开始进行投资形式和估价的谈判。这个阶段···

    2022-01-05 13:18:53
  • Term Repo

    英文名称:Term Repo 中文名称:定期回购"回购协议的一种,协议中约定的回购期限通常为30天或90天。e.g. Activity has picked up in the Term Repo markets for Tr···

    2022-01-05 13:49:11
  • Term Certain Annuity

    An insurance product that guarantees a periodic payment of a predetermined amount for a fixed term. Once the term has elapsed, these products are spent and off···

    2022-01-05 15:05:26
  • Term Structure Of Interest Rates

    A yield curve displaying the relationship between spot rates of zero-coupon securities and their term to maturity. |||The resulting curve allows an interest ra···

    2022-01-05 15:49:22
  • Term Deposit

    A deposit held at a financial institution that has a fixed term. These are generally short-term with maturities ranging anywhere from a month to a few years. W···

    2022-01-05 15:49:27
  • Term To Maturity

    The remaining life of a financial instrument. In bonds, it is the time between when the bond is issued and when it matures (maturity date), at which time the i···

    2022-01-05 15:49:29
  • Fixed Term

    Describes an investment vehicle, usually some kind of debt instrument, that has a fixed time period of investment. With a fixed-term investment, the investor p···

    2022-01-05 16:00:15
  • fixed term deposit


    2022-01-05 12:06:39