
  • 怎么说转债是攻守兼备的抄底利器

      怎么说转债是攻守兼备的抄底利器?   经济有繁荣衰退、市场有牛熊交替,除了理性思维外,只有抱着乐观态度的人才能在这个市场上长期活下去。凡事有因果,如果不是2005年和20···

    2021-08-23 23:46:35
  • 怎么说止损也是一种盈利

      怎么说止损也是一种盈利?止损也是一种盈利的根据是什么?下面股票知识网为您介绍止损也是一种盈利。   止损也叫“割肉”,是指当某一投资出现的亏损达到预定数···

    2021-08-26 03:41:14
  • 期货 英文,股指期货什么意思?通俗点讲,谢谢!


    2021-10-23 03:34:22
  • 英文会计报表

    企业财务会计报表封面   FINANCIAL REPORT COVER  报表所属期间之期末时间点 Period Ended  所属月份 Reporting Period  报出日期 Submit Date  记账本位币币···

    2022-01-12 12:36:55
  • 期权 英文,判断期权价内或价外看涨看跌标准是什么?


    2022-03-12 22:20:03
  • Time Value

    The portion of the option premium that is attributable to the amount of time remaining until the expiration of the option contract. Basically, time value is th···

    2022-01-05 14:12:26
  • Just In Time - JIT

    An inventory strategy companies employ to increase efficiency and decrease waste by receiving goods only as they are needed in the production process, thereby···

    2022-01-05 15:24:07
  • Time horizon


    2022-01-05 12:20:49
  • Time Draft

    英文名称:Time Draft 中文名称:远期汇票/定期汇票指在特定日期或特定条件下(一般为出票后一定期限内)付款的汇票。在指定日期前,付款人无义务付款。···

    2022-01-05 13:18:51
  • Time Value of Money

    英文名称:Time Value of Money 中文名称:资金时间价值亦称货币时间价值。货币作为资本进入社会生产过程后,经过一定时间的投资和再投资,货币自身会得到增殖。换句···

    2022-01-05 13:35:23
  • Time Series

    英文名称:Time Series 中文名称:时间序列在金融市场用来描述历史价格的统计指标按时间顺序排列而成的数列。···

    2022-01-05 13:39:40
  • Dynamic Time and Sales

    英文名称:Dynamic Time and Sales中文名称:成交量加权平均价 eb1619e81e59668d2db8098284f6daa5···

    2022-01-05 13:47:56
  • Time Decay

    The ratio of the change in an option's price to the decrease in time to expiration. Since options are wasting assets, their value declines over time. As an opt···

    2022-01-05 14:12:30
  • Expiration Time

    A specified time, after which the options contract is no longer valid. The expiration time gives a more specific deadline to an options contract on top of the···

    2022-01-05 14:20:38
  • Derivatives Time Bomb

    A possibile situation where the financial markets plunge into chaos if the massive derivatives positions owned by hedge funds and the large banks were to move···

    2022-01-05 14:20:56