The general direction of a market or of the price of an asset. Trends can vary in length from short, to intermediate, to long term. If you can identify a trend···
Market Trend
英文名称:Market Trend 中文名称:市场趋势指通过理论研究和技术分析确定的金融市场价格走势。e.g. Li said that moderate price rise might dominate the futu···
Secular Trend
英文名称:Secular Trend 中文名称:长期趋势"只反映朝某一方向持续发展的趋势,而不反映因季节性或技术性因素而引起的周期性市场波动。长期趋势最易了解与辨认,也···
Trend Analysis
An aspect of technical analysis that tries to predict the future movement of a stock based on past data. Trend analysis is based on the idea that what has happ···
Sideways Trend
Describes the horizontal price movement that occurs when the forces of supply and demand are nearly equal. A sideways trend is often regarded as a period of co···
Trend Trading
A trading strategy that attempts to capture gains through the analysis of an asset's momentum in a particular direction. The trend trader enters into a long po···
Buck The Trend
When a security or a class of assets sees its market-driven price move in the opposite direction of the broad market or its competition. The move could be in e···
Volume Price Trend Indicator - VPT
A technical indicator consisting of a cumulative volume line that adds or subtracts a multiple of the percentage change in share price trend and current volume···
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服装纺织概念股有哪些 服装纺织概念股一览
开服装店有哪些忌讳 不知道的可以进来了解一下
服装店定价一般是几倍 原来服装的利润那么高
作为一个开服装店的新手,大家一定都对服装的定价有疑惑,那么服装的定价一般都是几倍呢?这篇文章就跟大家聊聊这个话题。 价格策略在服装店铺经营中是尤为重要的,服···
开服装店的必备东西 开业之前看看都准备好了嘛
开服装店需要考虑什么 有哪些条件是决定成败的
服装哪里进货便宜又时尚 会不会进货决定了你会不会赚钱