
  • 都是干货!信用卡逾期,这种情况可以不影响征信!


    2021-08-17 00:52:57
  • 全是干货!巴菲特股东大会八大核心看点 增持能源 三次提到中国!芒格:大赞中国公司


    2022-05-01 20:20:56
  • Kondratiev Wave

    An economic theory created by Soviet economist Nikolai Kondratiev that states that Western capitalist economies are susceptible to high performance volatility.···

    2022-01-05 14:36:16
  • Wolfe Wave

    In technical analysis, it is a naturally occurring trading pattern present in all financial markets. The pattern is composed of five waves showing supply and d···

    2022-01-05 14:50:52
  • Wave

    A metaphor for daily market activity that goes against the weekly market tide. An investor trading daily would measure the market waves, or the daily market tr···

    2022-01-05 14:51:02
  • Impulse Wave Pattern

    A term used in the Elliott wave theory to describe the strong move in a stock's price coinciding with the main direction of the underlying trend. These impulse···

    2022-01-05 14:53:53
  • Elliott Wave Theory

    Theory named after Ralph Nelson Elliott, who concluded that the movement of the stock market could be predicted by observing and identifying a repetitive patte···

    2022-01-05 16:31:40