怎么说转债是攻守兼备的抄底利器? 经济有繁荣衰退、市场有牛熊交替,除了理性思维外,只有抱着乐观态度的人才能在这个市场上长期活下去。凡事有因果,如果不是2005年和20···
怎么说止损也是一种盈利?止损也是一种盈利的根据是什么?下面股票知识网为您介绍止损也是一种盈利。 止损也叫“割肉”,是指当某一投资出现的亏损达到预定数···
期货 英语,炒外汇 日内交易 选择哪几种技术指标配合 最有效? 谢谢 求解
期权 英语,做恒指期货有哪些优势?
Weak Market
英文名称:Weak Market 中文名称:弱市指买方远少于卖方,价格具有整体下降趋势的市场状态。···
Weak Holdings
英文名称:Weak Holdings 中文名称:短期持股投机者以保证金形式保存并可随时卖出的股票。···
Weak Hands
1. The intention of futures contract holders not to receive delivery of the underlying.2. Retail traders in the forex market who abide by the conventional wisd···
Weak Sister
An element that undermines the entire system. Weak sister can either refer to a single individual or a specialized group considered to be the weak link in an i···
Weak Shorts
Refers to the group of investors who hold a short position and are quick to exit their positions at the first sign of strength in the underlying asset. This gr···
Technically Weak Market
A situation in which the stock market is rising on low volume or falling on high volume. In technical analysis, volume is extremely important in determining th···
Weak Longs
Refers to the group of investors that holds a long position and is quick to exit that position at the first sign of weakness. This group of investors is genera···
Weak Currency
A currency with value that has depreciated significantly over time against other currencies. The long-term outlook for a weak currency is that it will continue···