
  • 价格和成交量作为反向指标有什么作用?


    2021-10-07 18:24:06
  • 价格和时间如何取得平衡?

    价格和时间如何取得平衡?\\r\\n  现在,我要揭开能够在价格和时间两者之间取得平衡的短线交易的最大秘密。这个秘密包含两个部分:\\r\\n  1.只有在大价差区间出现的日子才会赚到···

    2021-12-31 04:06:12
  • 价格和时间并重的分析工具SAR指标

      经常面临这样一个严峻的课题,股指(股价)振幅惊人,究竟何时持股,何时持币?价格和时间并重的分析工具SAR将是一个好帮手。   抛物线转向系统不仅利用价位变动的动能,而且运用···

    2021-08-28 12:27:23
  • 价格形态为我们留下的市场玄机


    2021-08-18 09:47:23
  • Cover Your Ass

    A tactic used by employees to share blame or divert blame should something go wrong. "Covering your ass" is usually done in big projects where an employee may···

    2022-01-05 14:40:37
  • Losing Your Shirt

    In the investment world, this expression is used to describe a very bad investment that causes an investor to lose everything he or she has invested (and more,···

    2022-01-05 14:35:23
  • Let Your Profits Run

    A saying often used in investing that acknowledges the tendency among investors to sell winning positions too early. Most traders tend to take gains off the ta···

    2022-01-05 14:35:35
  • 价格形态的形成与类型


    2021-08-20 15:57:05
  • 价格形态强弱系数是什么意思?价格形态强弱系数详解

    价格形态强弱系数是什么意思?价格形态强弱系数详解\\r\\n  当面对金融市场特别是股票市场,投资者每天都需要了解“近期”哪些股票“走势好”、哪些股票“走势差”。在这个表述···

    2021-11-24 11:29:14
  • 价格形式

    什么是价格形式  价格形式又称价格管理形式。是指在价格形成过程中市场机制和行政机制的不同地位和作用的类型。价格形式的种类  在我国现阶段,基本价格形式有以下三种:···

    2021-11-29 23:15:33
  • 价格形态的形成与类型有哪些


    2021-09-18 05:30:56
  • Clean Your Skirts

    A slang phrase used in the equity market to refer to a trader's obligation to make calls and check possible prior obligations related to a security transaction···

    2022-01-05 16:36:15
  • Know Your Client - KYC

    A standard form in the investment industry that ensures investment advisors know detailed information about their clients' risk tolerance, investment knowledge···

    2022-01-05 15:23:39
  • 价格形态是指什么?价格形态有哪些


    2022-04-01 03:41:02
  • Eat Your Own Dog Food

    An expression describing the act of a company using its own products for day-to-day operations. A company that eats its own dog food sends the message that it···

    2022-01-05 14:39:33