中国制造的短烟更多,但没想到外国品牌会有短烟。恭贺新禧香烟 之前也做过整理,万宝路的短烟非常有名,人们用短小精悍来形容万宝路的短烟。万宝路多少钱,万宝···
万宝路多少钱?万宝路英文名是Marlboro,是一个香烟品牌,由世界第一大烟草公司菲利普·莫里斯(Philip Morris)制造,是世界上最畅销的香烟品牌之一。品牌名称“···
万宝盛华(02180.HK)获FIL Limited增持782.9万股
根据联交所最新权益披露资料显示,2022年3月11日,万宝盛华(02180.HK)获FIL Limited在场内以每股均价9.1379港···
Gold Bug
An individual who is bullish on gold. Gold bugs believe that gold is still a stable source of wealth like it was during the years of the gold standard internat···
Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society
Paper Gold
英文名称:Paper Gold 中文名称:纸黄金指黄金的纸上交易。投资者的交易记录只体现在个人的黄金存折账户上,而不涉及实物黄金的提取。···
Gold Fund
A mutual fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF) that invests primarily in gold-producing companies or gold bullion. The price of shares within a gold fund should c···
Gold Bull
A slang term for a market or investor who is bullish on gold. A gold bull anticipates the price of gold increasing over the next period of time. A gold bull ma···
Fool's Gold
A gold-colored mineral that is often mistaken for real gold. Also known as Iron Pyrite. During historical periods of gold rushes, many less-than-knowledgeable···
Gold Option
An option to buy or sell gold bullion at a future date at a set price. The date (delivery date), quantity and price (strike price), are all predetermined. The···
Gold Standard
A monetary system in which a country's government allows its currency unit to be freely converted into fixed amounts of gold and vice versa. The exchange rate···
Tudor Gold金银铜项目取得第四个发现
生意社11月26日讯 图多尔黄金公司(Tudor Gold)宣布,其在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的约溪(Treaty Creek)金银铜项目取得第四个发现。 在CBS(Calm···
Equinox Gold 2021年黄金产量达到60.21万盎司
原标题:Equinox Gold 2021年黄金产量达到60.21万盎司Enimox 2021年黄金产量达到创纪录的60.21万盎司,较2020年增长26%,成本预计在每盎司1300至1375美元。最大···