Group Of Seven - G-7
Seven of the world's leading countries that meet periodically to achieve a cooperative effort on international economic and monetary issues. |||The G-7 include···
Group of Five - G-5
Name given to the five industrialized nations that meet periodically to achieve a cooperative effort on international economic and monetary issues. |||The G-5···
Group of Ten - G10
Eleven industrialized nations that meet on an annual basis to consult each other, debate and cooperate on international financial matters. The member countries···
Group of Eight - G-8
Eight of the world's economically leading countries that in a cooperative effort meet periodically to address international economic and monetary issues. |||G-···
TMX Group
An exchange group that owns and operates several businesses involved in trading in Canada. The TMX Group, through its subsidiaries, operates derivative, energy···
n. 集体;组\\nv. 簇射;形成组···
IT Group创始人和CVC计划退出股票市场
根据香港联合交易所提交的文件,时装零售商IT集团已提议在周日以1.68亿美元的现金交易将其业务私有化。这笔交易将得到私人股权公司CVC Capital Partners的支持,将以每股3港元···
Very Group裁员141人并在重组中创造了100个新岗位
在线零售商Littlewoods和Very的母公司表示,将裁撤106个总部职位和35个客户服务职位,同时在其技术部门创建100个新职位。Very Group首席执行官亨利·伯奇(Henry Birch)表···
Very Group的年收入首次超过20亿英镑
Very Group公布了强劲的年度收入增长,首次超过了20亿英镑,这促使这家在线零售商预测了今年的利润回报。在截至6月30日的年度交易更新中,Littlewoods和Very的所有者表示,其网站访···
Management Group
英文名称:Management Group 中文名称:承销小组一种金融机构,在证券发行的分销和定价时,与主承销商密切配合。···
Selling Group
All financial institutions involved in selling or marketing a new issue of debt or equity but not necessarily participating in the underwriting consortium. Tao···
Industry Group
A classification method for individual stocks or companies, usually grouped based on common lines of business. Although there is no official standard for indus···
CNT GROUP(00701.HK):陈桦硕不再担任审核委员会成员
格隆汇2月25日丨CNT GROUP(00701.HK)发布公告,公司的非执行董事陈桦硕已不再担任董事会审核委员会的成···
The Capital Group Companies,Inc.增持再鼎医药(09688)约77.67万股 每股作价约28.86港元
香港联交所最新资料显示,3月15日,The Capital Group Companies,Inc.增持再鼎医药(09688)77.6652万股,每股作价···
5 Retail Group转向远程办公并转变其在全国的办事处
5 Retail Group是一家领先的俄罗斯食品零售商,经营Pyaterochka,Perekrestok和Karusel零售连锁店,已启动了一个名为内政部的项目,以转向远程办公并···