
  • 抖音的创始人是谁 揭字节跳动张一鸣个人资料简介


    2021-08-26 12:11:18
  • 抖音的百万医疗险是真的吗


    2021-08-16 03:25:31
  • High Minus Low - HML

    One of three factors in the Fama and French asset pricing model. HML accounts for the spread in returns between value and growth stocks. HML argues that compan···

    2022-01-05 15:25:22
  • Low-Hanging Fruit

    A commonly used metaphor for doing the simplest or easiest work first. In sales, it means a target that is easy to achieve or a problem that is easy to solve.···

    2022-01-05 14:35:22
  • 劳氏(LOW.US)Q2净利润同比增长7%,盘前涨超3%


    2021-08-18 19:02:18
  • Today's Low

    The intraday low trading price. In other words, this is the lowest price at which a stock traded during the course of the day. Taobiz explains Today's LowMore···

    2022-01-05 16:10:16
  • 52-Week High/Low

    52周高点/低点The highest and lowest price at which a stock has traded in the past 12 months, or 52 weeks. Many investors see the 52-week high or low as an impo···

    2022-01-05 12:52:25
  • Record Low

    The lowest historical price level reached by a security, commodity or index during trading. A record low can be reached during a trading day, and is recorded r···

    2022-01-05 16:17:19
  • Swing Low

    A term used in technical analysis that refers to the troughs reached by an indicator or an asset's price. A swing low is created when a low is lower than any o···

    2022-01-05 14:52:06
  • Low Volume Pullback

    A technical correction toward an area of support that occurs on lower-than-average volume. The low volume is a signal to traders that the trend is not reversin···

    2022-01-05 16:23:53
  • Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

    This act provides an incentive for home developers to build, buy and refurbish housing for low-income taxpayers. The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit also provide···

    2022-01-05 14:59:43
  • High-Low Index

    An index that seeks to provide confirmation of a market trend by comparing the daily number of stocks reaching new 52-week highs with the number reaching new 5···

    2022-01-05 14:54:25
  • 抖音2017到2019怎么拍?


    2022-02-20 22:24:05
  • 抖音电商:过去一年平台三农电商达人数量同比增长252%


    2022-09-23 16:13:16
  • 抖音联合中国物理学会推出科普直播课 打造视频版“物理概论”


    2022-07-12 16:30:47