
  • Cover Your Ass

    A tactic used by employees to share blame or divert blame should something go wrong. "Covering your ass" is usually done in big projects where an employee may···

    2022-01-05 14:40:37
  • Losing Your Shirt

    In the investment world, this expression is used to describe a very bad investment that causes an investor to lose everything he or she has invested (and more,···

    2022-01-05 14:35:23
  • Let Your Profits Run

    A saying often used in investing that acknowledges the tendency among investors to sell winning positions too early. Most traders tend to take gains off the ta···

    2022-01-05 14:35:35
  • Clean Your Skirts

    A slang phrase used in the equity market to refer to a trader's obligation to make calls and check possible prior obligations related to a security transaction···

    2022-01-05 16:36:15
  • Know Your Client - KYC

    A standard form in the investment industry that ensures investment advisors know detailed information about their clients' risk tolerance, investment knowledge···

    2022-01-05 15:23:39
  • Eat Your Own Dog Food

    An expression describing the act of a company using its own products for day-to-day operations. A company that eats its own dog food sends the message that it···

    2022-01-05 14:39:33
  • 《乡村振兴责任制实施办法》出台 五级书记抓乡村振兴


    2022-12-18 22:56:03
  • 乡村振兴背景下农村零售


    2022-01-05 02:10:06
  • 乡村养老院里笑声暖

      株洲日报·掌上株洲记者/杨如   “何奶奶,昨晚下雪了,今天您冷不冷呀?我给您换一床更厚的被子吧。”护···

    2022-02-08 08:56:39
  • 乡村新居“赛城里”


    2022-02-01 08:26:31
  • 乡村振兴战略下险企巧打“三


    2022-01-26 06:41:07
  • 做乡村振兴的践行者 百果园持续深化大农业战略布局


    2022-12-31 16:26:06
  • 乡村振兴战略中的农信力量湖州农信


    2022-01-26 03:01:07
  • 乡村建设升级补短板重在为农民需求而建

      李其芳   乡村振兴是个系统工程,实施乡村建设是乡村振兴的基本硬件和前提。5月23日,中办、国办印发的《乡村···

    2022-05-27 10:27:28
  • 乡村振兴新战略下农村金融


    2022-01-29 15:51:05