企业规模经济(Corporate economies of scale),也称企业规模效益 目录 1 企业规模经济概述···
什么是企业规模 企业规模是指劳动者、劳动手段、劳动对象等生产要素和产品在企业里集中的程度。">编辑]企业规模的影响因素 一、收益因子对企业规模的影响 1.技术···
Box Size
In the context of Point & Figure Charts, the box size is the minimum price change that must occur for a given period before a mark (an X or an O) is added to t···
Bid Size
The number of shares a buyer is willing to purchase at the quoted bid price. Taobiz explains Bid SizeFor example, if the bid price is $20 and the bid size is 2···
Contract Size
The deliverable quantity of goods or commodities underlying futures, forward and option contracts. Each contract will have a well defined contract size. For ex···
Asset Size
The total market value of the securities in a mutual fund's portfolio. Total assets or total net assets are also used to describe a fund's size. When it comes···
Tick Size
The minimum price movement of a trading instrument. The price movements of different trading instruments varies. For example, if the minimum price movement of···
Normal Market Size
A share classification structure based on the number of shares outstanding. This determines the number of shares that a market maker can trade at the quoted pr···
高端、前沿、硬核——这是许多人对生物医药产业的第一印象。 作为上海重点发展的三大先导产业之一···
产业规模超万亿元 工业互联网新动能快速壮大
AI产业规模倍增 上海正制定全国首部促进AI发展的省级地方性法规
今年迎来世界人工智能大会举办五周年,本届大会有哪些亮点? 在26日举行的上海市政府新闻发布会上,上海市经···
上海针对智能网联汽车发展颁布系列措施。 5日,上海市人民政府公布了《上海市加快智能网联汽车创新发展实···
产业规模力争5000亿 上海智能网联汽车重磅方案 瞄准这些领域
上海针对智能网联汽车发展颁布系列措施。 5日,上海市人民政府公布了《上海市加快智能网联汽车创新发展实···
产业规划释放利好信息 虚拟现实设备有望增长20倍