
  • Debit

    英文名称:Debit 中文名称:借项/借方会计术语,增加资产或降低负债的会计科目。···

    2022-01-05 14:00:05
  • Debit Card

    英文名称:Debit Card 中文名称:借记卡由银行发放,持卡人可用其支付相应的消费款项。借记卡不提供资金透支。···

    2022-01-05 14:00:14
  • Direct Debit

    英文名称:Direct Debit 中文名称:直接借记直接借记是指这样一种支付系统,即机构委托银行,按照合同从客户账户上直接转款至收款人账户。其在国外使用比较普遍。e.g. Firms may a···

    2022-01-05 14:01:15
  • debit card是储蓄卡吗?

    debit card是储蓄卡。debit card的英文原意是借记卡,是一种办理之后要先存款才可以进行消费的卡片。与信用卡不同,debit card不能在线办理,只能到营业网点的柜台办理。同时,银行···

    2021-08-16 18:55:41
  • Adjusted Debit Balance

    The amount of money owed by a customer to his/her broker after paper profits and losses are taken into consideration. Taobiz explains Adjusted Debit BalanceThi···

    2022-01-05 16:41:13
  • debit card是什么卡呢?

    debit card是借记卡,就是不可以透支的银行卡,持卡人需要先存款后才能使用的银行卡,借记卡的支付款额不能超过存款的数额。借记卡按功能不同分为转账卡、专用卡和储值卡。1、转···

    2021-08-16 13:03:44
  • Rollover Debit

    In foreign exchange trading, a loss caused by an unfavorable difference in daily interest rates between the currencies being traded. Essentially, a trader ear···

    2022-01-05 15:35:46
  • Debit Spread

    Two options with different market prices that an investor trades on the same underlying security. The higher priced option is purchased and the lower premium o···

    2022-01-05 14:21:18
  • Tax Credit

    A dollar-for-dollar reduction in the tax payment required from a person. Watch: Tax Deduction Vs. Tax···

    2022-01-05 14:49:04
  • Credit Market

    1. The broad market for companies looking to raise funds through debt issuance. The credit market encompasses both investment-grade bonds and junk bonds, as we···

    2022-01-05 16:02:20
  • Credit Crisis

    A crisis that occurs when several financial institutions issue or are sold high-risk loans that start to default. As borrowers default on their loans, the fina···

    2022-01-05 14:40:41
  • Credit Default Insurance

    The use of a financial agreement - usually a credit derivative such as a credit default swap, total return swap, or credit linked note - to mitigate the risk o···

    2022-01-05 16:02:33
  • Credit Easing

    Policy tools used by central banks to make credit more readily available in the event of a financial crisis, such as the one experienced in 2007-2008. In the U···

    2022-01-05 14:40:42
  • Credit Quality

    One of the principal criteria for judging the investment quality of a bond or bond mutual fund. As the term implies, credit quality informs investors of a bond···

    2022-01-05 16:02:35