
  • Guppy Multiple Moving Average - GMMA

    An indicator used in technical analysis to identify changing trends. The technique consists of combining two groups of moving averages with differing time per···

    2022-01-05 15:25:05
  • Multiple Capital Structure

    The classification of a company's stock and bond offerings into different classes. Each class will have different characteristics in order to meet the needs of···

    2022-01-05 16:22:20
  • Multiple Compression

    The effect that arises when a stock trades at a certain multiple and, while earnings may be strong, the stock price doesn't move up (or even goes down). The re···

    2022-01-05 15:15:27
  • Multiple Linear Regression - MLR

    A statistical technique that uses several explanatory variables to predict the outcome of a response variable. The goal of multiple linear regression (MLR) is···

    2022-01-05 15:22:09
  • Multiple Column Tariff

    A tariff system where the tariff rate or import tax assessed on a particular product depends on its country of origin. This is diametrically opposite to a sing···

    2022-01-05 14:59:05
  • Multiple Support Agreement

    An agreement signed by two or more taxpayers who provide financial support for the same dependent. A multiple support agreement allows several persons who join···

    2022-01-05 14:59:07
  • Multiple Discriminant Analysis - MDA

    A statistical technique used to reduce the differences between variables in order to classify them into a set number of broad groups. In finance, this techniqu···

    2022-01-05 14:53:24
  • Enterprise Multiple

    A ratio used to determine the value of a company. The enterprise multiple looks at a firm as a potential acquirer would, because it takes debt into account - a···

    2022-01-05 16:31:19
  • PS 估值方法是什么,它具有那些特点以及以及PE估价的区别?

      PS估价法一般是PS估价法的一个很好的计算公式  什么是 PS 估值?在股票交易过程中,选股需要参考大量的技术指标,而PS估值方法也是指标之一。那么如何使用P···

    2021-08-25 12:29:32
  • 估值超特步后,蕉下如何在塌陷的中产消费赛道讲故事

      作者|常嘉亦  导语:卖完防晒伞,还想卖保暖内衣。蕉下急于突破至防晒之外。  鞋服行业的新战事正在打响,细分赛道上的新玩家们,都焦灼地想成为下一个Lululemon。  10月···

    2022-11-29 09:45:06
  • 估值修复是涨是跌

      2018年以来股市行情十分稳妥,市场在各位股民朋友眼中估计也是比较可观的,但是市场行情究竟如何呢?下面随小编一起看看估值修复是涨是跌,专家对于市场未来的走势分析。  ···

    2021-09-24 19:28:06
  • 估值处于底部,三季度医药板块或有回升趋势


    2022-09-19 15:58:17
  • 估值女朋友


    2022-03-10 19:54:21
  • 估值低、市场好、长线资金加速入场 机构人士称2020年大概率取得正收益


    2021-08-29 15:35:32
  • 低估值央企接力爆发!新能源板块集体拉升 千亿龙头大涨 多只热门医药股却跌停

      A股今日窄幅震荡调整,沪指午后小幅走高;港股午后强势拉升,恒生指数一度大涨超2%。   具体来看,A股方面,沪指···

    2022-11-23 19:08:38