
  • 切尔西正式易主被美国富豪买下 总价42.5亿英镑


    2022-05-07 22:06:09
  • 切尔基佐沃市场

    简介  切尔基佐沃市场,也叫伊兹迈洛市场,市场的老板捷利曼·伊斯梅洛夫,切尔基佐沃市场阿塞拜疆裔的犹太人。市场经营的以中国人、越南人和中亚人为主。因为谐音关系,在俄罗···

    2021-12-05 12:11:09
  • 米切尔A•库维兹:股票投资就是买公司的业务

    米切尔A•库维兹:股票投资就是买公司的业务格雷厄姆将价值投资的秘密精简为“安全边际”。这个简单的概念已成为米切尔A. 库维兹(Mitchell A. Kovitz)投资理念···

    2021-12-22 15:26:07
  • 米切尔与期权,什么叫股票期权激励计划?


    2022-02-02 11:00:07
  • 切尔诺贝利激战!道指五连跌 崩入熊市?乌首都全员避难!各方紧急磋商!人民币“避风港”特征凸显

      这可能是划时代的一天了。   在全球的注视之下,俄乌局势愈演愈烈,前方情况变化之快,可谓波谲云诡,时刻挑···

    2022-02-25 00:52:43
  • 切尔诺贝利激战!道指五连跌,崩入熊市?乌首都全员避难!各方紧急磋商!人民币“避风港”特征凸显

      炒股就看金麒麟分析师研报,权威,专业,及时,全面,助您挖掘潜力主题机会!  来源 范子萌等   这可能是划时代的一天了。  在全球的注视之···

    2022-02-25 07:02:33
  • 撒切尔夫人铜像落成两个小时就被扔鸡蛋,工党议员:不可避免

    SINA_TEXT_PAGE_INFO['videoDatas0'] = [{ad_state: '1',pid: '1',video_id: 467931767,//vidpic: '//p.ivideo.sina.com.cn/video/467/931/767/467931767_···

    2022-05-17 14:52:29
  • 撒切尔时代以来首次!英国CPI迈入“9时代” 通胀彻底失控?


    2022-05-18 15:56:50
  • 12B-1 Plan

    A no-load mutual fund that is allowed to use fund assets to pay for its distribution costs. The 12B-1 plan mutual fund is an alternative to paying th···

    2022-01-05 14:28:53
  • Top Hat Plan

    A form of retirement plan available only to selected company employees - usually key executives. Such plans are different from standard retirement plans in a n···

    2022-01-05 15:05:28
  • Opt-Out Plan

    A type of 401(k) plan that automatically enrolls the employees of a company to save for their retirement. Eligible employees of a company with this policy are···

    2022-01-05 15:07:42
  • IRA Plan

    A plan that individuals may establish to arrange and plan for retirement. Generally, an IRA plan allows you to save money and defer taxes until you retire. IRA···

    2022-01-05 15:09:10
  • DB(k) Plan

    A retirement plan that combines some of the characteristics of a 401(k) plan with those of a defined benefit (DB) plan. Funds can be voluntarily contributed to···

    2022-01-05 15:11:17
  • 401(a) Plan

    A money-purchase retirement savings plan that is set up by an employer. The 401(a) plan allows for contributions by the employee, the employer, or both. Contri···

    2022-01-05 15:12:38
  • 412(i) Plan

    A defined-benefit pension plan designed for small business owners in the United States. This is a tax-qualified benefit plan, so any amount that the owner cont···

    2022-01-05 15:12:47