
  • EV 功放 PCL1125T

    原标题:EV 功放 PCL1125T渠道···

    2021-08-17 01:38:15
  • Nonrecurring Gain Or Loss

    A one-time or highly infrequent profit or loss. One-time gains or losses are reported separately in a coporation's income statement - net of income taxes - and···

    2022-01-05 16:21:03
  • Short-Term Gain

    A capital gain realized by the sale or exchange of a capital asset that has been held for exactly one year or less. Short-term gains are taxed at the taxpayer'···

    2022-01-05 14:49:47
  • Unrealized Gain

    A profit that results from holding on to an asset rather than cashing it in and using the funds. Taobiz explains Unrealized GainLet's say you own a stock that···

    2022-01-05 16:08:54
  • Gain

    An increase in the value of an asset or property. A gain is measured as the amount of capital realized from selling a good at a price higher than the original···

    2022-01-05 15:02:05
  • Recognized Gain

    When an investment or asset is sold for an amount that is greater than what was originally paid. Recognizing gains on an asset will trigger a capital gains sit···

    2022-01-05 14:56:55
  • Realized Gain

    A gain resulting from selling an asset at a price higher than the original purchase price. There may be tax consequences for a realized profit.···

    2022-01-05 14:57:06
  • Capital Gain

    英文名称:Capital Gain 中文名称:资本收益指资本资产在出售或准备出售时市价高于最初购买价格而产生的收益。资本资产出售后产生的资本收益称作已实现资本收益;未出售时可能产···

    2022-01-05 14:03:21
  • Taxable Gain

    英文名称:Taxable Gain 中文名称:应征税收益指需要付税的收入部分。···

    2022-01-05 13:52:19
  • Tax Gain/Loss Harvesting

    Selling securities at a loss to offset a capital gains tax liability. Tax gain/loss harvesting is typically used to limit the recognition of short-term capital···

    2022-01-05 14:48:44
  • 逆调节

    摘要  由于中国税收监管在高收入阶层面前还存在一定的“盲区”,造成贫富阶层实际税负不公,税收在收入分配差距上出现“逆调节”现象。造成富人纳税少、税收“逆调节”的原···

    2022-01-10 04:21:50
  • 调节价是什么意思 它其实是这样的一个价格


    2021-08-17 14:09:32
  • 调节利润规避暂停上市?红宇新材遭深交所问询

      (300345.SZ)发布报告称,收到创业板公司管理部问询函,在年报事后审查中关注到以下情况:  1.2017年、2018年,公司连续两年亏损。2018年末,公司对应收深圳双十···

    2021-08-29 04:40:03
  • 调节猪价重在预防 宽松政策空间难言收紧


    2022-07-04 15:29:06
  • 调节税


    2022-01-20 10:16:54