
  • Ascending Channel

    An ascending channel is the price action contained between upward sloping parallel lines. Higher pivot highs and higher pivot lows are technical signals of an···

    2022-01-05 15:13:09
  • Descending Channel

    A descending channel or downtrend is the price action contained between two downward sloping parallel lines. Lower pivot highs and lower pivot lows are a beari···

    2022-01-05 14:55:31
  • Trading Channel

    When charting the price of an asset, this is the space on the chart between an asset's support and resistance levels. The price of the asset will stay within t···

    2022-01-05 15:13:45
  • Channel

    1. The system of intermediaries between the producers, suppliers, consumers, etcetera, for the movement of a good or service. 2. The technical range between su···

    2022-01-05 14:55:51
  • Commodity Channel Index - CCI

    An oscillator used in technical analysis to help determine when an investment vehicle has been overbought and oversold. The Commodity Channel Index, first dev···

    2022-01-05 14:56:02
  • Turtle Channel

    A trading band created by plotting the highest and lowest prices of an asset over a certain time period around the price of that asset.This indicator is interp···

    2022-01-05 14:51:18
  • Channel Check

    A method of independent stock analysis whereby company information is supplied by third parties. Taobiz explains Channel CheckMany times, when stock analysts p···

    2022-01-05 16:36:49
  • Keltner Channel

    A volatility based 'envelope' indicator that measures the movement of stocks in relation to an upper and lower moving-average band. This indicator, named after···

    2022-01-05 14:53:42
  • Horizontal Channel

    Using trendlines to connect variable pivot highs and lows shows price contained between the upper line of resistance and lower line of support. This is price r···

    2022-01-05 14:53:51
  • Price Channel

    英文名称:Price Channel 中文名称:价格通道技术分析的方法之一,是由上下两条趋势线所组成,上趋势线为阻力线,下趋势线为支撑线,当价格通道有向下倾斜趋势时视为跌市···

    2022-01-05 13:20:45
  • Fibonacci Channel

    A variation of the Fibonacci retracement pattern in which the trendlines run diagonally rather than horizontally. These channels are used to estimate areas of···

    2022-01-05 14:54:44
  • 半导体板块开盘表现活跃 通富微电、大港股份涨停


    2022-08-08 09:48:08
  • 半导体概念股早盘拉升 半导体上市公司都有哪些?


    2021-09-06 17:30:11
  • 半导体基金买哪个好?半导体基金排名前五名基金是什么?


    2021-08-16 00:59:00
  • 半导体首份年报出炉!从“香饽饽”到“狗不理” “经理蔡”能否正名“蔡经理”

      2月26日,华峰测控正式发布2021年年报,这也成为A股半导体板块首家公布2021年业绩的半导体公司。   业绩···

    2022-03-05 08:58:21