
  • Sell-side analyst

    卖方分析员 - [股市] 受雇于投资银行或经纪行的股票研究分析员。···

    2022-01-05 12:07:54
  • Sell Side

    The retail brokers and research departments that sell securities and make recommendations for brokerage firms' customers. Taobiz explains Sell SideFor example,···

    2022-01-05 16:15:24
  • Buy Side

    The side of Wall Street comprising the investing institutions such as mutual funds, pension funds and insurance firms that tend to buy large portions of securi···

    2022-01-05 14:44:50
  • Sell-side

    英文名称:Sell-side 中文名称:卖方/交易型金融机构零售经纪商或者证券研究机构,它们出售证券,并且提供分析和买卖建议。···

    2022-01-05 13:55:35
  • Left-Hand Side

    The bid side in a two-way price quote. A two-way price quote denotes both the bid price and the ask price of a security. The left-hand side or bid indicates th···

    2022-01-05 15:39:02
  • Supply-side Economics

    英文名称:Supply-side Economics 中文名称:供给学派经济学此学派的理论认为若要促进生产投资及增加经济中的实际产出,可以通过减税、自由就业法律、降低管制及放···

    2022-01-05 13:33:10
  • Buy-side

    英文名称:Buy-side 中文名称:买方/投资型金融机构指投资机构,例如基金、保险公司等,他们买入大量的证券,目的是有效管理旗下资金,赚取利润。···

    2022-01-05 13:57:45
  • Right Hand Side - RHS

    The ask or offer price of a foreign exchange rate. A quote for foreign exchange appears as two prices (known as the bid/ask spread); for example, 1.2591 - 1.35···

    2022-01-05 15:35:32
  • Sideways Market / Sideways Drift

    A sideways market occurs where the price trend of a certain trading instrument, such as a stock, has been experiencing neither an uptrend nor a downtrend. Inst···

    2022-01-05 16:13:19
  • 半导体板块开盘表现活跃 通富微电、大港股份涨停


    2022-08-08 09:48:08
  • 半导体概念股早盘拉升 半导体上市公司都有哪些?


    2021-09-06 17:30:11
  • 半导体基金买哪个好?半导体基金排名前五名基金是什么?


    2021-08-16 00:59:00
  • 半导体首份年报出炉!从“香饽饽”到“狗不理” “经理蔡”能否正名“蔡经理”

      2月26日,华峰测控正式发布2021年年报,这也成为A股半导体板块首家公布2021年业绩的半导体公司。   业绩···

    2022-03-05 08:58:21
  • 半导体龙头再遭大基金减持 什么信号?板块强势反弹20% 警惕两大风险

      国产CMP抛光液龙头再被大基金减持,什么信号?   5月25日晚,安集科技发布公告称,公司第二大股东国家集成电路产···

    2022-05-26 00:37:09
  • 半导体芯片板块早盘走高 紫光国微股价大涨超9%


    2021-08-20 10:21:28