DMI,一个反应较其他技术指标更为敏感的动力指标 多年通过长期跟踪观察分析发现,股票市场经常使用的均线系统指标、MACD、KD指标、RSL相对强弱指数,W%R指标、动向指标···
反应曲线 反应曲线表示一个双头垄断者生产和销售多少数量,该曲线依靠于一个厂商认为另一个双头垄断者将生产和销售的数量。···
什么是反应性供应链 反应性供应链是指体现供应链的市场中介功能,即把产品分配到满足用户需要的市场,对未预知的需求作出快速反内的供应链。反应性供应链的目的 反应型···
PCR反应速度更快 只需30分钟完成 上海快速核酸检测试剂盒获批上市
新冠病毒核酸检测中,最关键的PCR反应一般需要80-120分钟。这一过程是否可以再缩短? 解放日报·上观新闻记···
1号反应堆完成初装堆芯建立 全球首座四代高温气冷堆核电站年内实现双堆满功率
Tax Home
An individual's primary place of work or residence. This is used when determining tax for travel or transportation expenses. Many travel deductions require tha···
Away From Home
The IRS criteria used to establish whether or not you are within commuting distance from home. If you work away from home for longer than a normal workday and···
Home Debtor
An individual who holds a large mortgage with little or no equity in the home. The term "home debtor" is often used to describe those who will likely never be···
Over-55 Home Sale Exemption
An obsolete tax law that provided homeowners over the age of 55 with a one-time capital gains exclusion. Individuals who met the necessary requirements could e···
Main Home
A term used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to define the home a taxpayer has lived in most of the time during a given taxation year, or the only home a···
Home Office
An office located inside the taxpayer's home that serves as the taxpayer's principal place of business. In order for home office-related expenses such as utili···
Home Mortgage
A loan given by a bank, mortgage company or other financial institution for the purchase of a primary or investment residence. In a home mortgage, the owner of···
Home Depot斥资10亿美元提高数千名员工的工资
Small Office/Home Office - SOHO
A business that is operated out of a business owner's residence and can be located in an established office within the residence. A small office/home office is···